• 《神探夏洛克》卷福揭秘假死之谜

    会为夏洛克设计任何浪漫故事。 5. 第三季首映日期仍旧不确定 主创们给出的首映时间是——“2014年初”。确切的消息一直未能确定,但英国多家媒体的猜测都是2013年12月31日。相信若真的要拖到2014年初,也会在1月份左右播出。剧迷们还需要耐心等待。 6. 第四季主演们会继续合作 BBC在Comic-con上确定的两个关键点是:首先,《神探夏洛克》肯定会有第四季,而且主创们表示没想过这部剧会在短时间内停止,他们乐意一直拍下去。其次,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和马丁·弗瑞曼这对搭档绝不会被拆散。尽管他们现在各自的电影事业都很忙,但《神探夏洛克》的合同仍旧是他们最先去敲定的项目。 7. 莫法特爆料两主演性格——他们应该交换角色 莫法特称本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和马丁·弗瑞曼的确与夏洛克和华生一样,是两个性格迥异的人,但是卷福才是那个“呆瓜”,甚至有时会显得挺笨拙,而马丁做事则非常直接,说话也是牙尖嘴利。他还在现场建议说,不如我们让他们互换下角色看看有什么效果。

  • 《神探夏洛克》第四季发布新剧照

    片中Benedict Cumberbatch和一只猎犬在一起。看完剧照后我们就更加期待了。[/cn] [en]Plus, we now have so many questions: What’s Sherlock telling the dog to do? How involved will the dog be in season 4? Is Watson jealous? The master detective apparently had a dog named Toby in the books. Is this Toby? [/en][cn]现在我们有非常多问题:Sherlock在让这只狗干嘛?第四季怎么会出来了一条狗?花生不会吃醋吗?在原著中Sherlock的确有条名叫Toby的狗,这只狗就是Toby么?[/cn] [en]The image comes on the heels of Cumberbatch receiving an Emmy nomination for Sherlock: The Abominable Bride. Season 4 will be released in 2017. Don’t make us beg for more, Sherlock.[/en][cn]这张照片是在Cumberbatch凭借《神探夏洛克:可恶的新娘》被提名的消息之后发出的。第四季将神探夏洛克会在2017年回归。拜托《神探夏洛克》剧组不要让我们再等了![/cn] 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。

  • 神探夏洛克第四季回归 良心剧组穿帮的N个细节

    a shark suit and swimming in the aquarium during the final scene. [/en][cn]一些观众不禁推测:莫里亚蒂可能已经回来了,甚至开玩笑说其实水族馆一幕里莫娘穿了个鲨鱼装在后面游着呢。(英语君也是着实佩服歪果仁的脑洞了...)[/cn] [en]One viewer tweeted: 'Sherlock was good...but I'm still not over the fact we have no Moriarty...yet??'[/en][cn]还有一些观众发推特说:“夏洛克是不错...但是我还是无法接受莫娘没有回归的事实...真的还没吗???”[/cn] 《神探夏洛克》第四季剩下的两集《撒谎的侦探》和《最后的问题》将分别在1月8日和1月15日播出。敬请期待吧~ 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。

  • 《神探夏洛克》第三季:卷福的伴郎致辞


  • 《神探夏洛克》可能不会有第四季

    [en]"Sherlock" Season 4 is a long way away. But, according to star Benedict Cumberbatch, there's a chance there might not even be a Season 4.[/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》第四季回归还早着呢。不过Benedict Cumberbatch的意思,有可能第四季的计划会泡汤。[/cn] [en]"I genuinely don't know," Cumberbatch says of new "Sherlock" episodes in an interview with the Adelaide Advertiser (re-quoted by the Radio Times). "That's not me trying to be mysterious. None of us know if there will be a fourth, fifth or sixth series."[/en][cn]在接受Adelaide Advertiser采访时,Cumberbatch说:“我不是想卖关子,不过我是真的不知道会不会有第四季、甚至第五第六季,其他人也都不知道。”[/cn] [en]Does that mean that Cumberbatch and the rest of the "Sherlock" stars could be done for good? While it isn't likely, the actor does point out that he's pretty much everywhere all the time these days. [/en][cn]这是不是意味着Cumberbatch和其他《神探夏洛克》演员会不演了呢?似乎不是这样,这位演员表示,最近他的消息真的被传到到处都是。[/cn] [en]"I'd hate to think anyone is sick of the sight of me, although I wouldn't blame them," Cumberbatch adds. "I've overexposed myself! Actually that sounds a bit dirty ... I'm proud of every single project. I can genuinely say that it is varied enough, as a slate, to not fear too much overexposure. I just hope the public agree because they are seeing a lot of me."[/en][cn]“我不想去哪都有人会注意到我,当然我不怪大家,”Cumberbatch说。“我觉得我最近曝光得太神探夏洛克过了!虽然这么说不太好...我对自己参加的每个项目都很自豪。不过我真心的说,最近的过度曝光让我有些害怕了。我觉得大家应该都承认,因为大家最近真的是到处都能看到我的各种消息。”[/cn]

  • 《神探夏洛克》第三季首映礼时间公布


  • 神探夏洛克第三季片场 神探遇对手

  • 《神探夏洛克》华生有话说:第三季两周内开拍!

    演了电影《霍比特人》,他表示将在“下下周” 回归约翰·华生的角色。[/cn] [en]When asked whether he had read the [w=script]scripts[/w], Freeman said: "Yes, it's brilliant."[/en][cn]在被问到是否有读过第三季剧本时,弗里曼表示:“是的,剧本很棒!” [/cn] [en]However, the actor remained [w]coy[/w] about what is in store for the characters after the huge [w]cliffhanger[/w] at the end of series two's 'The Reichenbach Fall'.[/en][cn]不过,再被问到在第二季最后一集《莱辛巴赫瀑布》扣人心弦的情节后,主角们将面临着怎么样的命运走向时,马丁·弗里曼还是含糊其辞。[/cn] [en]Quizzed by Norton on whether he knew how Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock had survived at the end of the last series, he said: "Do you know what, no. Even we on reading the script aren't quite sure. Mark Gatiss is a clever fellow."[/en][cn]主持人诺顿问他是否知道本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇饰演的福尔摩斯在上季季终时是否活下神探夏洛克来时,他表示:“你猜怎么着,我不知道,就算是在读剧本的时候我也不是很确定。编剧马克·加蒂斯可是个很聪明的家伙。” [/cn] [en]At last year's Edinburgh TV Festival, Sherlock creators Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss revealed the [w]teaser[/w] clues 'Rat', 'Wedding' and 'Bow' as hints for what Sherlock Holmes stories the third series will be based on.[/en][cn]在去年的爱丁堡电视节上,《神探夏洛克》的制片人史蒂文·莫法特和马克·加蒂斯公布了第三季的线索分别为:“鼠”、“婚礼”和“致意”,这也暗示了第三季将基于哪几部夏洛克·福尔摩斯故事。[/cn] [en]The third series of Sherlock is expected to air on BBC One later this year.[/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》第三季有望于今年晚些时候在BBC1台播出。[/cn]

  • 《神探夏洛克》第四季获续订:卷福说想一直拍下去

    [en]In arguably the biggest (Sherlock) news of the century, Benedict Cumberbatch has announced that he and co-star Martin Freeman have signed up to make a fourth season of the BBC1 detective drama.[/en][cn]爆炸性新闻来了!《神探夏洛克》主演本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇日前宣布,他和另一位主演马丁·弗里曼已经签约,确认会继续出演这部在BBC1台播出的侦探剧。[/cn] [en]"We've

  • 《神探夏洛克》S03E02收视依旧坚挺

    [en]Ratings for the second episode of "Sherlock" Season 3, "The Sign of Three," were down slightly from the season premiere. Even with the decrease, however, "Sherlock" was by far the most-watched program in the UK on Sunday (Jan. 5).[/en][cn]相对于第三季开播集,《神探夏洛克》第三季第二集《三签名》的收视人数有所下跌。不过虽然收视人数跌了,《神探夏洛克》第三季第二集仍然是当天英国收看人数最多的节目。[/cn] [en]8.48 million viewers tuned in for the 90-minute episode on BBC One. That represents a 31.9 percent share. Compared to the 9.2 million who watched "The Empty Hearse" on New Years Day -- the most-watched "Sherlock" episode ever -- this does represent a small decrease.[/en][cn]848万观众收神探夏洛克看了BBC1台的这集90分钟剧集,收视率是31.9,相较于收视人数最高的前一集920万观众人数有所下跌,前一集《空棺》也是《神探夏洛克》系列收视最高的一集。[/cn] [en]When compared with other British programming on Sunday, "Sherlock" still wins. The season premiere of "Dancing on Ice" on ITV, for example, pulled in only 6.8 million viewers.[/en][cn]和当天播出的其他英国节目相比,《神探夏洛克》是当日的收视冠军。比如ITV的《Dancing on Ice》新季开播,只有680万观众收看。[/cn] [en]The Season 3 finale of "Sherlock," "His Final Vow," airs on Sunday, Jan. 12 in the UK, while the third season premieres in the US on Sunday, Jan. 19 on PBS.[/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》第三季结局集《他最后的誓言》将会在英国时间1月12日播出,而《神探夏洛克》第三季会在1月19日在美国PBS播出。[/cn]