• 英剧《神探夏洛克》开拍 导演“推特”忙

    度了。[/cn] [en]May 12–”Rehearsals were great fun. First [w]scene[/w] up on Monday is with #Sherlock and Dr Watson.”[/en][cn]5月12号:预演很好玩。周一要开拍的第一个镜头就是夏洛克和Dr  Watson。[/cn] [en]If you want to follow the progress, make sure to follow McGuigan on Twitter.[/en][cn]想要了解最新的拍摄进度,千万别忘了加保罗·麦奎根关注。[/cn] 小编发现,花生阿福等等竟然都有了自己的Twitter 账号,彼此往来更新不亦乐乎,于是猜测下,新一季除了花生的博客,会不会增加推特的桥段捏?(喂喂,你想太多了吧) Sherlock Holmes [en]The world's first, only and best [w]consulting[/w] detective.[/en][cn]全球第一唯一最好的顾问侦探。[/cn] Dr John Watson [en]I'm a doctor, I also assist @SherlockSH who is a consulting detective.[/en][cn]我是医生,也会常常协助侦探福尔摩斯。[/cn] Mycroft Holmes [en]Government official. Founder of the Diogenes Club. Brother of Sherlock Holmes.[/en][cn]政府官员。Diogenes俱乐部创立者。夏洛克·福尔摩斯的哥哥。[/cn] Martha Hudson [en]I'm the landlady of the house at 221B Baker Street, not the housekeeper.[/en][cn]贝克街221座的女房东,不是管家来的。[/cn] Gregory Lestrade [en]Just a humble Detective [w]Inspector[/w] working at New Scotland Yard.[/en][cn]New Scotland Yard里的一枚谦逊侦探巡视员。[/cn] Sergeant Anderson [en]I am a Forensics Specialist working for Scotland Yard.[/en][cn]Scotland Yard里的一名法医专家。[/cn] Mlly Hooper [en]I work at St. Bart's Hospital. In the morgue. So I hope I don't see you there![/en][cn]我在St. Bart's 医院的停尸房工作。最好还是别让我在那看到你。[/cn] Sarah Sawyer [en]I'm a GP in South East London.[/en][cn]South East London的普通医生一枚。[/cn]

  • 《神探夏洛克》最新预告片“我爱你”

    [en]A new teaser for “Sherlock” Season 4 shows Benedict Cumberbatch’s titular character in a dark place.[/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》第四季的新预告片展现了“卷福”名义上性格,预告非常黑暗紧张。[/cn] [en]Toby Jones will play the villain in this season, and in the teaser he seems to exert power over Cumberbatch’s Holmes. “What’s the very

  • 《神探夏洛克》第三季发布圣诞特辑(视频)

    该死。” 夏洛克:“好。”[/cn] [en]The mini-episode ends with two obvious warnings of what is to come. First, Watson emotionally watches Sherlock's birthday farewell, "Oh, and don't worry. I'm going to be with you again ... very soon." A moment later we see Lestrade on the street, where a newspaper headline reads "The Game Is Back On."[/en][cn]迷你集结尾给了我们两个重大暗示。一是在华生伤感地看夏洛克生日祝福视频时,大侦探说:“别担心,我很快就会和你重

  • 神探夏洛克:只要卷福演就一直拍下去

    在为第四季做准备,尽管BBC没有发布官方消息,但康伯巴奇(饰演夏洛克)已经证实自己和弗里曼(饰演华生)非常确信这是真的。莫法特笑着说:“只要康伯巴奇没大牌到排不开档期,《神探夏洛克》就会继续拍下去。”[/cn] 下面是见面会的一些亮点问题: 莫里亚蒂和夏洛克真的接吻了吗? [en]The moment came in the season-three premiere as a theory that presumably explained one way Sherlock faked his death. "I've done something slightly [w]cheeky[/w]," Moffat recalled Gatiss telling him. The scene, which featured Moriarty and Sherlock laughing off the [w]tense[/w] phone call with John, saw the two [w=nemesis]nemeses[/w] inch closer in a [w]presumed[/w] kiss. [/en][cn]这个片段来自第三季首集夏洛克对自己伪造死亡的解释,“我做了一件有点不要脸的事情” 莫法特在见面会上回想加蒂斯(另一位主创)对自己说的话。在这一幕中,给华生打完紧张的诀别电话,夏洛克和莫里亚蒂相视一笑、面部距离渐进,罪恶地“接吻”了。[/cn] [en]"We cut it before contact, and indeed, sex, because that was wrong," Moffat joked. And sorry Sherlock fans, Cumberbatch said he and Scott "didn't actually connect."[/en][cn]莫法特开玩笑说,“这场戏,其实我们该在两个人滚床单之前叫停,不过这样的尺度是不允许的。”《神探夏洛克》的粉丝们可能要感到遗憾了,康伯巴奇表示,两人并没有实质上的接触,没有真的接吻。[/cn] 本季为什么要加入玛丽这个角色? [en]"If you have a female perspective on the two men, it's very, very funny and very [w]illuminating[/w]," Moffat said of the reason they added John's future wife. Mary will remain a large part of the mythology of Sherlock as the story continues. "Mary's absolutely here. We don't just off her," Moffat said. [/en][cn]莫法特在谈及添加华生未婚妻玛丽的角色时表示:“如果能从一个女性的角度观察两位男主角,那

  • 《神探夏洛克》卷福:现实生活中我也当了回侦探!

    算过这么做。” [/cn] [en]Last night a source claimed on Twitter: ‘The person in question was asked to stop by a friend of Mr Cumberbatch and she agreed and apologised. Case was closed.’[/en][cn]昨晚有内部人士在推特上夏洛克表示:“康伯巴奇找了一个朋友去跟当事人交涉,对方同意不再发照片并表示了道歉,事情就算是结束了。” [/cn] [en]Earlier this week BBC1’s official Twitter account posted a picture of Cumberbatch and his co-star Martin Freeman, who plays Dr Watson, fooling around between[w=read-through]read-throughs[/w] of the script.[/en][cn]本周早些时候,BBC1官方推特帐号发布了一张本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和同剧组演员马丁·弗里曼的合照,两人在剧本通读的间隙玩得不亦乐乎。马丁·弗里曼在《神探夏洛克》中出演华生。[/cn]

  • 《神探夏洛克》编剧:抖森能加入会很精彩


  • 《神探夏洛克》第三季新剧照:华生要结婚了


  • 《神探夏洛克》第三季曝光首款预告

    [en]We've been waiting a long time for this. [/en][cn]剧迷们已经等很久了。[/cn] [en]BBC One has revealed the first teaser trailer for season 3 of "Sherlock."[/en][cn]BBC1台终于发布了《神探夏洛克

  • 《神探夏洛克》编剧:还有第四季和第五季

    别的缘由,马克和我坐在剧组车上躲雨……然后我们马上就规划出了未来两季的计划。” 莫法特在参加英国电影学院奖《神探夏洛克》第三季最终集《最后誓言》放映时对观众表示。[/cn] [en]“And we plotted out the whole of series four and five.”[/en][cn]"并且我们已经设计好了整个第四季和第五季的剧情。"[/cn] [en]“So we have got plans – but our plans don’t tend to be ‘Let’s blow up the world or cast the most famous person in the world’ they tend to be ‘What exciting twists and turns can we add to this?’ And I think we’ve got some [w=cracker]crackers[/w]![/en][cn]“所以我们是有计划的,但我们的计划并不是‘让我们轰动世界或找世界上最有名的人来出演角色’,而是‘我们能为剧情添加什么样迂回曲折的情节呢?’ 我认为我们已经有好的构思了。”[/cn] [en]“The ideas we had that day, I thought were the best we’ve ever had.”[/en][cn]“我认为我们那天产生的想法,是我们这么久以来最好的构思。”[/cn] [en]And after you watch the series three finale on Sunday, you’ll know that’s setting the bar very high indeed…[/en][cn]"当你周日看完第三季最终集的时候,你就会了解到我们其实把门槛设得很高……"[/cn]

  • 神探夏洛克电影里坑爹中文梗!没找到就对了

    出了原著,发现原来的英文叫做:club-foot...来自福尔摩斯探案短篇集:《莫氏家族的成人礼》,可为啥《神探夏洛克》要用“马蹄内翻足”作为洗脚城的名字? 有人吐槽难道剧组是拿谷歌翻译来敷衍了事?英语君好奇地用Google翻译试了一下,果然...你们就是这么对待9800万中国粉丝的么? 有粉丝猜测,编剧可能是想通过洗脚城(俗称“按摩足浴店”)来暗示“出轨”。好吧,一个简单的“洗脚城”,硬被坑成了“马蹄内翻足”,还能不能好好洗脚了!?这样一个敷衍的彩蛋,别说老外了,就是中国人理解都有点难啊。 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。 相关推荐: 《神探夏洛克》圣诞特别篇预告看这里>>> 《神探夏洛克》第四季你要知道的10件事!>>>