• 看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第七集(2):Sheldon吃饭啦!

      看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第七集 【剧情介绍】 Leonard替大家出去买吃的,Sheldon要求真多,要汉堡七成熟,要独立的调味包,要加洋葱圈,要多加一块面包,最后还嫌Leonard速度慢, Leonard无奈地说吃你的啦! LEONARD: Sheldon,the food's here. HOWARD: Ooh,there's the house. Freeze frame,freeze frame. LEONARD: What are you doing? HOWARD: Marking the star positions and physical landmarks so we

  • 看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第十二集(2) 你们一边学着点

     看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第十一集 【剧情介绍】 见识到Kripke 机器人的厉害后, Sheldon还不死心说要把Monte打造地更强, 可他连工具箱怎么打开都会,还逞强说不需要Howard. 另一边,Penny因为对Howard说了很伤人,现在不得不跑来Howard家安慰他,忍受他可悲,没完没了的爱情史. SHELDON: You are overlooking the fact that we now know what we're up against and we can modify Monte so that he's prepared. LEONARD: You want

  • 看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第七集(5) 潘小花,算你恨


  • 看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第十一集 你的车还好吧

    看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第十一集 【剧情介绍】 Leonard不会骑摩托车, 甚至还没发动,就被Dave的摩托车压到脚. Penny也因此认识了Dave, 甚至为了Dave她假装对物理科学实验什么的感兴趣,这让Leonard很是郁闷,同样是物理学家差别咋那么大捏. PENNY: Oh,hey,Leonard. Ooh,are you okay? LEONARD: Oh,yeah. It's just a little motorcycle accident. PENNY: My God,how fast were you going? LEONARD: I don't know. It's

  • 看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第十三集(4) 我们真的很合得来

    看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第十三集 【剧情介绍】 Sheldon看了一本教小朋友交朋友的书后立马画出了交朋友的流程图(学过编程的同学有没有觉得很熟悉?),貌似在Sheldon心里万物皆有规律可循,事实证明他的算法行不通。 SHELDON:Hi,Rebecca. I'm your new friend,Sheldon. LEONARD: No,you're not. Let's go. SHELDON: We were really hitting it off. LEONARD: Don't look up. There's cameras. RAJ: I’m [w]curious[/w

  • 看生活大爆炸学英语第三季第四集(5)你才不是我的上司

    看生活大爆炸学英语第三季第四集 【剧情介绍】 Sheldon和Raj大

  • 看生活大爆炸学英语第三季第四集(1) 我不想回印度

    看生活大爆炸学英语第三季第四集 【剧情介绍】 Raj工作上出现了问题,很可能被遣送回国,大

  • 看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十集(3) 我是在帮你清理烂摊子

    看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十集 【剧情介绍】 Sheldon的谎言越说越当真了,还真请了个业余演员, Leonard对此很是无语啊. 这个临时演员让我想起<>里面的Barney. SHELDON: I've hesitated to point this out but I must remind you we are in our [w]predicament[/w] because of your [w]initial[/w] and[w] inadequate[/w] [w]deceit[/w]. I'm just trying

  • 看生活大爆炸学英语第三季第四集(2)我对牛发誓

    看生活大爆炸学英语第三季第四集 【剧情介绍】 Raj此刻心中充满对美国生活的不舍,Sheldon对Raj所说的印度习俗表示质疑,这样Raj很是火大甚至对牛发誓要给Sheldon点颜色看看. Howard带来好消息,看样子“四人帮”是拆不散的. RAJ: Hello,Sheldon. SHELDON: Forgive me,as you know, I’m no adept at reading facial cues,  But I'm going to take a stab here: You’re either sad or [w=nauseate]nauseated[/w]. RAJ: I'm sad. SHELDON: I was going to say sad. I don't know why I [w=hedge]hedged[/w]. RAJ: What are you eating? SHELDON: [w]Elbow[/w] [w]macaroni[/w] with ground hamburger and tomato sauce. RAJ: Oh,beefaroni. I think I'll miss you most of all. LEONARD: I've always been a little confused about this. Why don't [w]Hindus[/w] eat beef? RAJ: We believe cows are gods. SHELDON: Not technically. In [w]Hinduism[/w], cattle are thought to be like god. RAJ: Do not tell me about my own culture, Sheldon! In the mood I'm in, I’ll take you out-- I swear to cow! SHELDON: I'm sorry. RAJ: Me,too. I'm just... I'm a little on edge. SHELDON: Understandable. Your entire life seems to be [w=crumble]crumbling[/w] around you, And your future appears [w]bleak[/w] at best. RAJ: Thank you. SHELDON: And you're wrong about Hinduism and cows. HOWARD:Hey,Raj,guess what. Professor Laughlin is looking for someone to join The [w]stellar[/w] evolution research team. RAJ:You-you're kidding! That's fantastic! HOWARD:What are you waiting for? Call him and set up an interview. RAJ: I'm on it. SHELDON: That's happy,right? LEONARD:Yeah. SHELDON: Nailed it. 【口语讲解】 1. adept at熟练于…擅长于,精于,善于 How many college students are more adept at Internet use and software than they are at human relationships? 有多少大学生们正在变得越来越熟识互联网和软件的使用而疏于人际关系呢? 2. take a stab at 试试看 I've never bowled before, but I'll take a stab at it. 我以前从来没打过保龄球,不过我想要试试看。 3. take out 除了有带某人出去约会的意思外还有消除,消灭;摧毁,毁灭的意思 4. on edge紧张不安;心烦意乱;恼怒 Lately stress has put me on edge. 最近压力使我易怒。 5. Nailed it搞定,成功.

  • 看生活大爆炸学英语第三季第五集(2)我曾经是他的粉丝

    看生活大爆炸学英语第三季第五集 【剧情介绍】 漫画书店举行神秘勇士锦标赛(一种纸牌游戏), 星际迷航中的一演员威尔惠顿也参加,他曾经是Sheldon的偶像,但由于他曾经 “放鸽子”, Sheldon把他视为敌人.Raj在一旁煽风点火想让Sheldon参加比赛. SHELDON: Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Betty and Veronica? STUART: Hey,Sheldon,the new Greelantern figurine's coming in tomorrow. Want me to set one aside for you? SHELDON: Thank you. You just robbed me of the opportunity to stumble upon the figurine And make the oh-so-satisfying journey From discovery to desire to possession. STUART: All right,I won't set one aside for you. SHELDON: But I must have it. STUART: Okay,I'll set one aside for you. SHELDON: Thank you. You know,I can buy all these things online. I come here for the personal service. RAJ: Hey,Stuart,is the Wil Wheaton signed up For the Mystic Warlords tournament The Wil Wheaton from Star Trek? STUART: Yeah,he lives around here. Big gamer. SHELDON: Excuse me. Are you saying that will wheaton aka Ensign Wesley Crusher On Star Trek: The next generation Is going to be participating in your tournament? STUART: Oh,I'm sorry,did I rob you of the opportunity to stumble onto that for yourself? SHELDON: You don't understand. Growing up,I idolizedle Wil Wheaton. Wesley Crusher had an eidetic memory just like me. RAJ: Ooh,what a coincidence. Maybe you can discuss with him while you're playing in the tournament. Sign here. SHELDON: I was such a fan That in 1995,I traveled ten hours by bus To a sci-fi convention in Jackson,Mississippi, Wearing my Starfleet Academy cadet uniform In order to meet Wil Wheaton And get him to autograph My mint in-package Wesley Crusher action figure RAJ: Ooh,it'll be like a reunion then. Sign here. SHELDON: My arduous journey,however,was for naught. Although advertised to appear,he did not show up. It was at that moment,I vowed eternal hatred for Wil Wheaton. RAJ: Okay,great,you can tell him you hate him. Sign here. 【口语讲解】 1set aside除了有表示“把…放在一边”之外还有“撤销,驳回,宣布…无效”的意思 The appeal was set aside. 上诉被驳看生活大爆炸学英语回了。 2rob of抢劫;盗取;偷窃.剥夺;使失去 Television has robbed the cinema of its former popularity.电视使电影不像过去那样受欢迎了。 3 stumble upon偶然发现 I stumble upon the rare book in a second-hand bookstore. 我在一家旧书店偶然找到这本珍贵的书。 4personal service个人服务,personalized service个性化服务 5 eidetic memory过目不忘.photographic memory 6for naught徒劳,没有价值 All their work was for naught. 他们所有的工作都是白做。