看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十六集 生日派对
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十六集 【剧情介绍】 Penny打算为Leonard办惊喜生日party, 所以陪着Sheldon给Leonard买生日礼物.而Howard则负责看着Leonard,不让他回家, Raj负责现场布置. CLIENT: Which hard drive do I want? [w]FireWire[/w] or USB? SHELDON: It depends on what bus you have available. CLIENT: I drive a Chevy Cavalier. SHELDON: Oh, dear Lord. CLIENT: We have to go. SHELDON: Not now, this poor man needs me. You, hold on, I'll be right with you. What computer do you have, and please don't say a white one. HOWARD: Excuse me. NURSE: Fill this out and have a seat. HOWARD: We're throwing my friend a surprise party and I'm supposed to keep him out for two hours. NURSE: Uh-huh. Fill this out and have a seat. HOWARD: The way I could get him to leave was tell him I ate a peanut. I'm allergic to peanuts. NURSE: Well, in that case, fill this out and have a seat. HOWARD: All I need from you is to give me a BAND-AlD. I can pretend I had [w]epinephrine[/w]. Tell my friend you need to keep me under observation for an hour. NURSE: ls that all you need? HOWARD: Yes. NURSE: Get out of my ER. HOWARD: No, you don't understand. NURSE:I understand. But unfortunately, this hospital is not equipped to treat stupid. HOWARD: Okay, I get it. I know how the world works. How about if I were to introduce you to the man who freed your people? NURSE: Unless my people were freed by Benjamin Franklin and his five twin brothers, you are wasting your time. 【口语讲解】 1. depend on取决于, 依赖 Health depends on good food,fresh air and enough sleep.身体健康依靠的是营养丰富的食品、新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠 2. throw a surprise party办生日派对,惊喜派对.貌似美国都有这种习惯,生日由朋友操办惊喜派对. 3. supposed to理应,应该 They are supposed to help you solve your problems, but half the time they ARE the problem. 他们本应该帮你解决问题,可是有一半的时间它们反而成了问题之所在。 4. Fill this out填表 Must I fill out this Customs declaration?必须填关税申报单吗? 5. allergic to对…过敏. 通常医院的表格上都会有一必填项Allergic以了解病人是否对某些药物过敏. 6. under observation受到观察;在监视下. 这里可以说是留院观察. Howard为了能在Leonard的生日party上追到女生做了很大的牺牲,不惜真吃花生,后来脸肿的跟那个啥一样, 这比友情还伟大的力量!!!
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十四集(1) 时光机
看生活大爆炸学英语第三季第五集 【剧情介绍】 Leonard之前与Howard有一项协定,谁找到漂亮女朋友就得让他的女友给对方也介绍一个, Leonard旁敲侧击地跟Penny说了这回事,Penny实在不愿意把自己好友推向“深渊”,但在Leonard的请求下最终答应了. LEONARD: So,listen...Have you ever made a pact with someone? PENNY:You mean like a pinky swear? LEONARD: Okay,fine,like a pinky swear. PENNY:Well,in the first
看生活大爆炸学英语第三季第一集(3) 这是唯一让Sheldon开心的方式
看生活大爆炸学英语第三季第一集 【剧情介绍】 Sheldon跑来质问Leonard是否篡改南极考察数据,Leonard大
看生活大爆炸学英语第三季第五集 【剧情介绍】 Penny受Leonard所托,给Howard介绍对象Bernadette, 起初两个人完全没有共同语言,气氛很尴尬,后来发现他们都受妈妈“摆布”,这让气氛一下缓和,和谐起来. SHELDON:I play nightshade dryad. Game,set and match. Now fetch me Wil Wheaton! Bot-tash bir jab-loo-di rekh kkhakkh-o ny! WIL:Did that guy just say "Revenge is a dish best served cold" in Klingon? STUART: I believe so. WIL:What is wrong with him? STUART: Everyone has a different theory. HOWARD: How about computers? Do you like computers? BERNADETTE: I use them. I don't like them. HOWARD: Okay...Puppets? Where do you stand on puppies?. BERNADETTE:A puppy once bit my face. HOWARD: Of course it did. LEONARD: How about that? Einstein was wrong. PENNY: What? LEONARD: Approaching the speed of light Doesn't slow down time. Approaching them does. HOWARD: Excuse me. Oh,damn. It's my mother. BERNADETTE: Are you going to answer it? HOWARD: I'm torn. She might be dying,and,you know, I wouldn't want to miss that. On the other hand, If I let it go to voicemail,I could play it over and over. BERNADETTE: I know how you feel. My mother makes me crazy. HOWARD: Not as crazy as my mother makes me. BERNADETTE:Oh,yeah? Does your mother call u every day at work To see if you've had a healthy lunch? HOWARD: My mother calls me at work To see if I had a healthy bowel movement. BERNADETTE: Does she lay out your clothes for you in the morning Like you're nine years old? HOWARD: You live with your mother? BERNADETTE: No. That's the sad part. 【口语讲解】 1Revenge is a dish best served cold君子报仇十年不晚 2Everyone has a different theory.每个人的观点都看生活大爆炸学英语不同,也可以理解为萝卜白菜各有所爱. 3Where do you stand on对…是什么态度how do you think of 4bowel movement排便 5lay out展示;安排;花钱; He laid out all his savings in buying a car. 他把所有积蓄都用来买车了。
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十集(1) 善意的谎言
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十集 【剧情介绍】 Leonard为了不想伤害Penny而撒谎, Sheldon觉得Leonard的谎言不靠谱,打算用另一个慌来掩饰,小编也晕乎了. SHELDON: Details, Leonard. The success or failure of our [w]deceitful[/w] enterprise turns on details. LEONARD: Do you have a cousin Leopold? SHELDON: No, I made him up. I think you'd call him Lee. LEONARD: I
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看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第八集 【剧情介绍】 Sheldon和Raj正在争论星际1和星际5哪个好看,Howard打电话来求救,1.他发现火星探测器卡住,2他把女孩带入实验室,而这是不允许的. LEONARD:How can 5 not be worse than 1? RAJ: Yeah,Star Trek V worse thanI. SHELDON:Okay,first of all,that's a comparison of quality, not intensity. Secondly,Star Trek I is orders-of-magnitude worse than
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看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第一集 【剧情介绍】 Penny担心Leonard今后会因为学
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看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十七集 【剧情介绍】 Leonard安慰Penny,却歪打正着地把Penny送回前男友的怀抱,他十分不解, Raj他们也在取笑他. 幸好最后Penny并没有和前男友和好, 要不Leonard真的悲催了. Howard:For God's sake, Sheldon, if you don't like the [w]tangerine[/w] chicken, don't order the tangerine chicken. Sheldon:I like tangerine chicken, I'm just not getting tangerine