看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第三集(1) 防狼喷雾
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第三集(1) 【剧情介绍】 Leonard撞见Penny和其新男友心情极度不好,Sheldon和Howard以他们独特的方式为Leonard"减轻"痛苦. SHELDON: Penny for your thoughts. RAJ: What's the matter? LEONARD: No, I'm fine. Penny's fine, the guy she's kissing is really fine. HOWARD:Kissing? What kind of kissing? Cheeks, lips, chase, French? LEONARD: What is wrong with you? Howard: I'm a romantic. SHELDON: Don't tell me that your hopeless[w] infatuation[/w] is [w=devolve]devolving[/w] into [w]pointless[/w] jealousy. LEONARD: Look, I'm not jealous. I'm just a little concerned for her. HOWARD: Didn't like the look of the guy she was with.Because he looks better than you? LEONARD: yeah, He was kind of [w]dreamy[/w]. SHELDON: At least now you can [w]retrieve[/w] the black box from the [w=smolder]smoldering[/w] [w]wreckage[/w] that was once your fantasy of dating her and analyze the data so that you don't crash into [w]geek[/w] mountain again. HOWARD:I disagree. Love is not a [w]sprint[/w]. It's a marathon. A [w]relentless[/w] pursuit that only ends when she falls into your arms or hits you with the pepper spray. 【口语讲解】 1 Penny for your thoughts 分享一下你在想什么,告诉我你在想什么. Sheldon很聪明地用了个谚语其中有Penny的名字哦. 2 Devolve into 演变成...devolve本身是转让移交的意思. 3 dreamy梦幻的,梦想的.看了<实习医生格蕾>(与TBBT并列小编看生活大爆炸学英语目前最爱)的童鞋一定对这个词不陌生Doctor Shepherd=Mc Dreamy, 今后描述帅哥美女的时候,别再beautiful了,试试这个给力的词. 4 black box 黑匣子, 飞机失事时经常可以听到的词语,找回黑匣子用retrieve. Sheldon说的这段话好长,生词也很多-_-b ,但是好形象啊,讽刺Leonard不带一个脏字,不愧是Sheldon. 5 smoldering阴燃,慢燃的。从The New York Times看到一则新闻说:Europe’s smoldering financial crisis flared up on Wednesday...也是用形象的手法描述了欧洲的经济危机状况,值得学习哦。 6 pepper spray. “防狼喷雾”, 美剧中女性随身常备用品.Howard对爱的总结很深刻嘛,一定是深有体会哈:p.
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十五集 长兄为父
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十五集 【剧情介绍】 Leonard把Sheldon拉到一边,怂恿Sheldon干涉Missy的婚姻大
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第三集 【剧情介绍】 Penny最近觉得诸事不顺,在Sheldon的带领下开始沉迷网络游戏世界,这可害看生活大爆炸学英语苦了Sheldon, 工作生活都大受影响,他正在想办法把Penny带回正轨. Raj:Hey,what's with him? LEONARD: Penny's been keeping him up at night. HOWARD:Me,too. But probably in a different way. LEONARD: She's gotten really hooked on Age of Conan. She's playing nonstop. Raj:Ah,yes,online gaming [w]addiction[/w]. There's nothing worse than having that multi-player monkey on your back. LEONARD: Sheldon, wake up! SHELDON: Danger! Danger! LESLIE: Afternoon,men. Sheldon SHELDON: Oh,yeah? Well,your attempt at [w=juvenilize]juvenilizing[/w] me by excluding me from the set of adult males, just Oh, I'm too tired to do this. LESLIE: That's right, I heard you've been pulling all-nighters with Middle Earth Barbie. SHELDON: She comes into my room. No one's supposed to be in my room. LESLIE: I would[w] postulate[/w] that she's escaping into the online world to compensate for her sexual [w]frustration[/w]. HOWARD: I do that,too. But probably in a different way. LEONARD: That's not what she's doing, Leslie. She's just trying to shore up her self-esteem. It has nothing to do with sex. LESLIE: Everything has to do with sex. HOWARD: Mm, testify. LESLIE: I'm not touching that. LEONARD: Leslie, you are way off base here. SHELDON: Hang on, Leonard. While I have no respect for Leslie as a scientist or a human being, for that matter, we have to concede her undeniable expertise in the interrelated fields of [w]promiscuity[/w] and general sluttiness. LESLIE:Thank you. 【口语讲解】 1. get hooked on迷上,对…着迷 If our customers get hooked onthe low introductory price, they will buy and become more loyal to our brand. 如果顾客被我们的低价位所吸引,他们就会购买我们的品牌并成为更忠实的消费者。 2. compensate for补偿,弥补 3. shore up支撑,支持,加固 In Shanghai, government moves to shore upthe markets to boost confidence. 在上海,政府的托市举措旨在激励着投资者的信心。 4. off base冷不防地,大错特错 Your idea is completely off base.你的想法完全是错误的。 5. for that matter就此而言,至于那个 It was the very first time I ever cooked forhim, or anyone else for that matter. 这可是我第一次为他洗手作羹汤,事实上我从未为任何人下过厨。
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十二集 他才15岁哦
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十二集 【剧情介绍】 学
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十四集(3) 他说得有理
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十四集 【剧情介绍】 时光机终于搬回来了, 大
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十五集 她迷路了吗
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十五集 【剧情介绍】 Sheldon的双胞胎妹妹Missy出场, 把Leonard他们迷的晕头转向. Sheldon则是一副漠不关心的样子.兄弟们,淡定啊! LEONARD: On the other hand, some physicists are concerned that if this [w]supercollider[/w] works it'll create a black hole and swallow up the Earth, ending life as we know it. RAJ:What a bunch of crybabies.
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十一集 多亏了你 我生病了
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十集(2) 谁怕谁啊
就去.话说他们作为物理学家也太闲了,小编又深究了,请忽视-_-b PENNY:All right, you guys. Good luck. LEONARD: Thanks, Penny. Break a leg. SHELDON: Yeah, break a leg. HOWARD: So road trip to Long Beach. LEONARD: We're not going to Long Beach. RAJ: Why not? LEONARD: Because Sheldon doesn't have a drug-addicted cousin Leopold. RAJ: Oh, too bad. I've always wanted to go to Long Beach. SHELDON: It's a very nice community. The Queen Mary is docked there. Once the largest liner in the world, it's now a hotel and restaurant where they host a surprisingly [w]gripping[/w] murder-mystery dinner. RAJ: Sounds fun. HOWARD: I'm game. RAJ: Shotgun. HOWARD: No, no, no. SHELDON: Leonard gets [w]nauseous[/w] unless he sits in front, and even then it's iffy. LEONARD: Wait, are we really going to Long Beach? SHELDON:Leonard? Leonard? Leonard? LEONARD: Let it go, Sheldon. The murderer was the first mate whether it makes sense to you or not. SHELDON:No, that's the least of our worries. I've been doing research on addiction both the [w]biochemical[/w] and [w]behavioral[/w] aspects and I think there's a problem with the current version of our lie. LEONARD: What are you talking about? It's fine, she bought it, it's over. SHELDON:Sadly, it's not. 【口语讲解】 1. break a leg祝好运;大获成功(用于祝愿演员演出成功) 2. I'm game的完整说法是I'm game if you are.:你敢的话,我就敢啊。(谁怕谁啊) 3. call shotgun 坐副驾驶座. 这种说法起源于美国西部历史,那时驾马车的人坐在右边,路上会经常有劫匪,所以,总看生活大爆炸学英语要有一个人坐在左边副驾驶位置手里拿一杆枪,以防万一.从此以后,坐副驾驶位就叫做ride shotgun. 副驾驶叫shotgun.在美国似乎大家都很喜欢副驾驶座,所以如果有好几个人坐车的话,你如果想抢副驾驶的位子,就要call shotgun, 即:我做副驾驶位子! 4. makes sense有意义;讲得通;言之有理. 5. least of our worries最不用担心的问题. 6. buy it 相信…的话,除此之外还有放弃,认输的意思
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第六集(1) 我滴个神啊
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第六集 【剧情介绍】 这一集出现了Sheldon的仰慕者Ramona , 为了让Sheldon有更多时间投入到工作上去, Ramona严格管教其衣食住行, 甚至帮Sheldon剪脚指甲,难怪Penny大呼Holy crap on a cracker. LEONARD: So... how'd it go with Ramona last night? SHELDON:Oh, great. She's smart, insightful and she has a very unique way of, you know, revering me. PAMONA:Here's your spinach mushroom omelet. SHELDON: Thank you. Did anyone touch it? PAMONA: Gloves were worn by everyone involved. I was vigilant. SHELDON: Ramona pointed out that I've been wasting 20 minutes a day standing on cafeteria lines. PAMONA: Time which would be better spent tackling the great physics problems of our day. SHELDON: You don't tackle the big issues, Ramona. You fence with them. PAMONA: En garde. Riposte. LEONARD: Touche. LESLIE: Morning. LEONARD: Hi, Leslie. LESLIE: So, Sheldon, I see you're organizing your papers for the Smithsonian Museum of Dumbassery. PAMONA: There won't be any room until they get rid of the permanent Leslie Winkle exhibit. SHELDON: Oh, good one. LESLIE: I see you got a grad student to fight your battles for you. I'll let you keep your lunch money today. PAMONA: Okay, Dr. Cooper is on the verge of a breakthrough. If you're going to stay, you'll have to be respectful and quiet. LEONARD: Wait for me. PAMONA: So have you worked out the neutrino issue? SHELDON: Well,to paraphrase Mozart, all the subatomic particles are there. I just have to put them in the right order. PAMONA: You're so witty. SHELDON: Aren't I? PENNY:Hey, guys, this package came for... PAMONA: Dr. Cooper is working. SHELDON: Yes, I'm close to a breakthrough. Ooh, it tickles! PAMONA: Sorry. PENNY: Holy crap on a cracker. 【口语讲解】 1. fence with搪塞,回避,周旋 2. Touche.一语中的,一针见血 3. on the verge of接近于,濒临于 This swift, beautiful animal is on the verge of extinction.但这种敏捷而美丽的动物正濒临灭绝。 4. came for为某种目的而来取;向…冲来;对…进行袭击 With a word she can get what she came for. 只需要一个字眼她就能获得自己的所需。 5. holy crap 在美国几乎很多人都会说, 这个不代表骂人的意思, 只表示我很惊讶, 很不能想象的意思.