看生活大爆炸学英语S2E6(6) 一杯啤酒下了肚就立马变成魅力先生了
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第十七集 【剧情介绍】 Sheldon千叮咛万嘱咐说Penny只有这一次进入他房间的机会.Raj喝了酒后突然由不敢跟女生说话一下变成魅力先生了.但Leonard发现他喝的并不是酒而是汽水. SHELDON: All right,now,before you enter my bedroom unescorted, I need you to understand that this onetime grant of access does not create a permanent easement. [w]Easement[/w]. It's a legal
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第十八集(1) 那谁给我带芝士汉堡呢
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第十八集 【剧情介绍】 Sheldon送来Penny的包裹,还非要让Penny签收,说了一大
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第八集(2) 你会感谢我的
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第八集 【剧情介绍】 Raj“被相亲”对象Lalita打电话给他,让他鸭梨很大
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第二十三集 【剧情介绍】 Sheldon提议Leonard他们同他一起去北极考察,众人一方面实在不愿意跟Sheldon共处一北极,但是这是国家科学基金会的项目,他们又不想失去这千载难逢的机会,Raj和Leonard很快妥协,Howard鉴于同伴压力也不得不答应去. SHELDON: Well,there are others who might be more qualified, but the thought of interviewing them gave me a stomachache. Now,I know I'm proposing an [w
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第十六集(3) 好朋友不会无缘无故说个不停
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第十六集 【剧情介绍】 Penny不小心把Sheldon的专属座位弄脏了,想着把坐垫反一边糊弄过去,没想到还是被敏感的Sheldon发现,失去专属坐垫的Sheldon真是坐立不安啊,Jim不愧为艾美奖金球奖最佳男主角,把Sheldon的神经质诠释得很到位. LEONARD: Great,great. Did you walk the whole way? It's a little chilly. SHELDON: Koothrappali picked me up. LEONARD: Isn't that terrific? He is such a good
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第十二集(4) 你们都别跟我争,是我的错
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第十二集 【剧情介绍】 Monte被Kripke的机器人砍成碎片,Howard看到后也大为惊讶,而大家似乎对他肿着的眼睛更为关注(摔成这样估计也需要技术技术吧.)Sheldon提议要为Monte举行一个悼念仪式,Penny的一句不就是个机器人吗把Sheldon给伤了,学物理的伤不起啊,有木有?! 有木有?! LEONARD: Well,so much for making up for the emotional wounds of childhood. SHELDON: I did this. Monte was killed by my [w]hubris[/w] and my pride. No matter what anybody says,this is my fault. RAJ: No one's arguing with you,dude. HOWARD: I got your text. How bad is... Oy. LEONARD: Forget the robot. What happened to you? PENNY:He slipped and fell. HOWARD: Yes,I [w=slip]slipped[/w] and fell. In the bathroom,bounced right off the tub. PENNY: Yes,now he knows what bathtubs are capable of doing when you don't treat them with respect. HOWARD: Yeah. They sucker punch you when your eyes are closed. SHELDON: So what do you think,Howard? It's not that bad,right? HOWARD: Oh,no. A little electrical tape,some [w]solder[/w]... Are you insane? I've seen space probes that crashed into the desert that were in better shape than this. SHELDON: You're right. Monte's gone. We'll bury him in the morning. A simple ceremony. I'll speak. Leonard,you'll play your [w]cello[/w]. PENNY:Sheldon,honey,aren't you getting a little carried away? I mean, it's just a toy robot. SHELDON: Just a toy robot? LEONARD: Penny. PENNY:I know,I got it. Sheldon,I'm sorry. 【口语讲解】 1. so much for到此为止,仅仅就这么多;有关…,就只有这些 so much fortoday’s lesson. (大家对这看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第十二集 【剧情介绍】 Monte被Kripke的机器人砍成碎片,Howard看到后也大为惊讶,而大句话很熟悉吧) 2. make up for补偿,弥补 Emergency diesel generators cannot make up for the loss of the grid, and cannot operate indefinitely. 备用柴油发电机不足以弥补电网的损失,并且不能无限期地运行。 3. [wv]bounce[/wv] off弹开,反弹;从…弹跳出来;掂量…right off立刻马上 The ball bounced off the wall. 球从墙壁上反弹回来。 4. space [w]probe[/w]航天探测器 5. carried away非常激动;使…失去自制力 eg: But don't get carried away with digital zoom statistics, the technology can lead to a loss of image quality. 但也别因数码变焦镜头昏了头,它有可能导致图像失真。
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第二十三集 【剧情介绍】 Sheldon想让Penny帮忙借用一下cheesefactory的冷库,好让他们四个提前演练一下北极生活.而Penny有些郁闷Leonard为什么没有提前告诉她这么大的决定. SHELDON: Excuse me.Is that a yes or a no on the freezer? The woman has the attention span of a gnat. PENNY: Hey,Leonard. Sheldon says you're going to the North Pole. LEONARD: Yeah.
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第一集(2) 我就是那条臭鱼
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第一集 【剧情介绍】 Penny跟Sheldon分享了一下她对与Leonard约会的担心并且要求Sheldon保密,而Sheldon非常不擅长保密. LEONARD:Oh, God, I am the bad fish. What did I do wrong? SHELDON: Why are you asking me? I have no information about your interactions with Penny other than what you have provided me, nor do I have any method
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十二集(3) 任务圆满完成
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十二集 【剧情介绍】 正当Leonard他们为Dennis不为美色所动而发愁时, Dennis却带走一个女孩, 让Leonard他们很是费解. RAJ: We'll arrange for her to move in across the hall so he can [w]pathetically[/w] moon over her. LEONARD: Okay, that was uncalled for. RAJ: You started it, dude. DR.GABLEHAUSER:Could I have everyone's attention
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第二十三集 【剧情介绍】 校长有意派Sheldon去北极考察,而Sheldon更偏向于在室内工作,且不喜欢太冷的地方,所以他在纠结该不该去.大晚上地把校长一家吵醒,非要等到校长夫人放狗他才离开,现在又在扰Leonard. LEONARD: He offered to send you to the North Pole? SHELDON: Yes. In fact,he was quite enthusiastic. He said,"Frankly,if I could send you tonight,I would." LEONARD: Okay,well,do