看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第三集(2) 防患于未然
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第二十集 【剧情介绍】 Leonard一行人带上Penny来到漫画书店,漫画迷们见到Penny就像见到绝世美人一样惊呆.Sheldon和Howard为了争一本漫画书在吵架,此时Penny和漫画书店老板Stuart谈笑起来,这让Leonard很不开心. SHELDON: Got it. HOWARD: Got it. SHELDON: Need it! HOWARD: Let it go,Sheldon. SHELDON: Why should I let go? I saw it first. HOWARD: Yes,but I saw it from
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第九集(1) 说得难听一点
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第九集 【剧情介绍】 Sheldon和Leonard受物理实验协会之邀在一个主题会议上发布他们的研究成果,Sheldon对此不屑一顾,而Leonard很想参加,两个人因此争吵起来. LEONARD: Sheldon, we have to do this. SHELDON: No, we don't. We have to take in [w]nourishment[/w], expel waste and [w]inhale[/w] enough oxygen to keep our cells from dying. Everything else is [w
2013-08-22 -
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第十七集(4) 为什么我不能追她啊
能把各种附加福利如免费电话、免费进餐、旅行津贴等算进去。 3. get a shot把握机会,有机会,打针 He will get a shot at earning All-Star game MVP award if he chooses to play. 如果他参加的话,他将看生活大爆炸学英语可能获得全明星赛MVP奖金。 4. score with这里指有希望追到.. 5. creep somebody out把人吓着 6. come提出;想出;赶上 Can we come up with a better alternative for handling this problem? 我们能不能想出更好的替代方案来处理这个问题呢?
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第四集(2) 出师不利
拾得乖乖的. MARY: Remember all the ass-kickings from the neighbor kids?Now, let's get cracking. Shower, shirt, shoes and let's shove off. SHELDON: Wouldn't have been any ass-kickings if that stupid death ray had worked. MARY: Problem solved. LEONARD: Really? That's impressive. MARY: Leonard, the Lord never gives us more than we can handle.Thankfully, he blessed me with two other are dumb as soup. MARY: Excuse me, Dr. Gablehauser, are you busy? GABLEHAUSER: Well, actually MARY: Sheldon, he's just [w]doodling[/w]. Get in here. SHELDON: Dr. Gablehauser. GABLEHAUSER: Dr. Cooper MARY: Let's go, baby, we're losing daylight. SHELDON: Um, as you know, several weeks ago in our first[w] encounter[/w], we may have gotten off on the wrong foot when I called you an idiot.And I just wanted to say that I was wrong to point it out. 【口语讲解】 小编觉得这集笑点挺多的,Sheldon妈妈Mary首次登场,把Sheldon收拾地服服帖帖,最看生活大爆炸学英语可爱的情节是Sheldon问Mom? Is Dr. Gablehauser going to be my new daddy?跟小孩似的超级可爱的说哈,一起来看今天的讲解吧。 1. get cracking 开始,开始工作 She called out to her fellow people to stop ideological debate and get cracking to work她呼吁国人停止有关意识形态的争论,卷起袖子干实事. 2. shove off动身,离开 I am sick of this place , let us shove off.我讨厌这个地方,我们离开吧. 3. That's impressive真不错,真了不起. as soup 是very dumb 的意思. 主要目地是讥讽某人很笨, 但又不是像骂人那么难听.Sheldon妈妈很强悍呢,每次Sheldon开始叛逆,她总有办法对付,真是一物降一物啊, Sheldon也有害怕的人哪. 5. on the wrong foot以不好的方式开始,出师不利.形似的搭配还有start on the wrong foot迈错第一步, catch on the wrong foot使(某人)措手不及,毫无准备.
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第十八集 【剧情介绍】 Leonard为Penny特意做了个网站为Penny的发卡打开销路,立马就有人预定一千个发卡并且是加急件,结果五个人大周末地在家做发卡,Raj打趣地说如果我想周六做发卡,我还不如呆在印度. SHELDON: We should get to work. PENNY: Wait,wait,why does it say "one-day rush"? Since when do we offer a one-day rush? LEONARD: Amazon offers one-day rush. PENNY: Yeah
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第十五集 【剧情介绍】 Leonard的妈妈Beverly来了,让他很是痛苦, 相反Sheldon与Beverly相处很融洽, 大概是同类相吸吧. BEVERLY:Your scan data will be very helpful to my research.You have a remarkable brain. SHELDON: I know.Although I've always hated how my right frontal lobe looks in pictures. BEVERLY: Common complaint among men.
看生活大爆炸学英语第三季第一集(1) 这就像个无法醒来的噩梦
看生活大爆炸学英语第三季第一集 【剧情介绍】 三个大络腮胡一个小胡子终于从北极回来,络腮胡们认为北极考察如炼狱一般,而sheldon似乎很享受这个过程,而且告诉其看生活大爆炸学英语第三季第一集 【剧情介绍】 三个大母亲他有望获得诺贝尔奖。Leonard想跟Penny打招呼,受到了Penny的“热烈”欢迎。 LEONARD: Oh,thank God we're home. HOWARD: I can't believe we spent three months in that frozen hell. RAJ: It was like a snowy nightmare from which there was no awakening. SHELDON: I don't know what Arctic expedition you guys were on, but I thought it was a hoot and a half. Oh,hi,Mom. No,I told you I'd call you when I got home. I'm not home yet. All right,I'm home. The Arctic expedition was a remarkable success. I'm all but certain there's a Nobel Prize in my future. Actually,I shouldn't say that. I'm entirely certain. No,Mother,I could not feel your church group praying for my safety. The fact that I'm home safe does not prove that it worked. The logic is post hoc ergo propter hoc. No,I'm not [w]sass[/w]ing you in Eskimo talk. LEONARD: I'm gonna go let Penny know we're back. SHELDON: Mother,I have to go. Yeah,love you. Bye. Hello,old friend. Daddy's home. PENNY: Leonard,you're back. LEONARD: Yeah. I just stopped by to say-- hmph! PENNY: Yeah. So,hi. LEONARD: Hi. HOWARD: Damn it,I should have gone over and told her we were back. RAJ: Yeah,it was first-come,first-serve. 【口语讲解】 1Arctic expedition北极探险 2a hoot and a half相当有趣,hoot 毫不在乎;表示蔑视不满的叫喊 3I'm all but certain我几乎可以确定 4post hoc ergo propter hoc后此谬误,来自拉丁语“post hoe,ergo propter hoc”,意为在某事之后发生,所以是因为某事”,“在此之后,因而必然由此造成。”如果我们仅仅因为一件事发生在另一件事之前,就想当然地认为前者是后者的原因,那么,我们就犯下了后此谬误。 5first-come,first-serve先到先得 Due to the limited number of tickets available in the pre-sale, ticket purchase will be on a first-come-first-serve basis. 由于预售门票数量有限,我们采用先支付先得票的方式。
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第十七集(1) 真看生活大爆炸学英语希望能跟你们一起去旧金山
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第十七集(3) 我真有机会和终结者约会了