[en]CBS has finalized its deal with Warner Bros. Television for two more seasons of “The Big Bang Theory,” making the Eye’s tentpole comedy one of primetime’s long-running sitcoms, with at least 12 seasons.[/en][cn] CBS终于与华纳电视确定了热门喜剧《生活大爆炸》续订两季的待遇问题,《生活大爆炸》至少会播出十二季,使得该主力喜剧成为从开播以来最长的喜剧之一。[/cn] [en
[en]The last hurdle to Warner Bros. TV and CBS clinching a two-season renewal of “The Big Bang Theory” is setting a new contract with actresses Mayim Bialik and Melissa Rauch.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸》续订两季的最后一个困难当属Warner Bros. TV 和CBS与两位女主演Mayim Bialik 和Melissa Rauch的新合同了。[/cn] [en]Bialik and Rauch both joined “Big Bang” in season three and thus have to date earned significantly less than their co-stars. Both actresses are in the $200,000 per episode range this season, the show’s 10th, compared to $1 million per episode for the original five.[/en][cn] Bialik和Rauch都是在第三季加盟的,她俩的片酬一直低于五位核心主演。在第十季里她俩的片酬是20万美元每集,而另外五位主演是每集100万美元。[/cn] [en]In the renewal talks that began late last year, the original cast members agreed to take a $100,000 cut in salary for the prospective 11th and 12th seasons to free up $500,000 to fund raises for Bialik and Rauch.[/en][cn]在2016年末的一次谈话中,五位卡司都愿意在第11和12季,从自己的片酬里抽10万美元集资每集50万美元匀给Bialik和Rauch。[/cn] 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。
来得更长些。[/cn] [en]CBS announced on Monday (July 29) that its hit comedy will expand to one hour during its premiere on Thursday, Sept. 26, airing two original episodes back-to-back at 8 p.m. The move seems designed to provide as strong a lead-in as possible to Robin Williams' comeback comedy "The Crazy Ones" when it premieres at 9 p.m.[/en][cn]CBS电视网周一宣布,该台情景喜剧《生活大爆炸》9月26日播出的第七季首播集将生活大爆炸》第七季首播集将会比前几季会是两集联播,时长将会有1小时,因此开播时间改为晚八点。这个安排似乎是想为排在《生活大爆炸》之后9点播
[en]Sheldon, the in-development Big Bang Theory spin-off prequel about breakout character Sheldon Cooper's childhood in Texas, has found its young Sheldon as well as his mother Mary, according to The Hollywood Reporter.[/en][cn]据《好莱坞报道者》报道,《生活大爆炸》衍生剧中,扮演童年Sheldon Cooper的小演员和扮演Sheldon妈妈Marry的女演员都确定
《生活大爆炸》The Big Bang Theory
生活大爆炸斯基 编 剧:查克·洛尔,比尔·普拉迪 主 演:吉姆·帕森斯,约翰尼·盖尔克奇,凯莉·库柯,西蒙·黑尔贝格,昆瑙·纳亚尔 类 型:情景喜剧 预告片: 剧情简介: [en]The drama describes the story betwwen two 20-year-old's IQ of the California [wv]Institute[/wv] of Technology physics, Leonard(experimental physicist) and Sheldon([wv]theoretical[/wv] physicist) and their door—a beautiful girl Penny,a would be actor was working in a restaurant.[/en][cn]这部电视剧主要讲述了加州理工学院两个二十多岁的高智商物理学学生Leonard(实验物理学家)和Sheldon(理论物理学家)与他们的对门——一个想成为演员却在餐馆打工的漂亮女孩Penny之间发生的故事。[/cn] [en]The effect of the film's comedy is achieved
2014-08-19 -
出演尼尔(Nell)。尼尔是一位最近才独立出来的院校老师,和拉杰有着千丝万缕的联系。戈金斯饰演尼尔的丈夫奥利尔(Oliver),精神高度紧张,追踪者拉杰,还和他正生活大爆炸面对刚。[/cn] [en]Big Bang Theory's current 11th season has found Raj as the odd-man out as all of his friends are married or engaged. New showrunner Steve Holland told THR at the start of this season that Raj's decision last season to give up his family's money and become his own man will bring the character more confidence. "The reason to do a journey like that is to have it affect and change the character a bit, and that change is going to affect his dating life as well," he said.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸》已经拍摄了十一季,所有朋友都结婚恋爱后,拉杰显得被孤立了。新一季的制作人斯蒂芬·莫劳瑞告诉媒体THR,上一季结束时拉杰说不会再问家里要钱,会独立自主,在新一季开始后,他会因此自信不少。“这样做是为了让角色有些变化,这种变化也会影响他的婚恋状况。”[/cn] [en]Goggins is currently up for a Critics Choice Award for HBO's Vice Principals. He's next onscreen in Tomb Raider.Behrs spent six seasons on CBS and Warners' 2 Broke Girls.[/en][cn]戈金斯目前正以美国纽约有线电视网络媒体公司(HBO)的《副校长》(Vice Principals)争夺广播影评人协会奖(Critics Choice Award)。接下来他的作品《古墓丽影》(Tomb Raider)将会上映,比厄则参演了六季哥伦比亚公司和华纳兄弟的《破产姐妹》。[/cn] (翻译:阿忙)
到了分手的边缘,不过第五季中他们将会决生活大爆炸定将这段恋情保持在藕断丝连的状态——虽然到时候他们已经相聚7500英里了。[/cn] [en]“We’re going to put Leonard in a long distance relationship with Priya,” says Prady. Couple that set-up with the fact that Penny (Kaley Cuoco) still has feelings for her [w]brainy[/w] ex, and the result is “Leonard with two women and no sex,” Prady [w=chuckle]chuckles[/w].[/en][cn]我们将会让Leonard和Priya来个异地恋,”Prady说。另外Penny对自己的书呆前男友也就是Leonard仍然有情,两项加在一起的结果就是“Leonard和两个女人谈着无性爱的恋爱,”Prady笑着说。[/cn]
上了一份超级大礼。一位幸运的女粉丝即将乘坐飞船到太空游历一番! 吉姆·帕森斯(Jim Parsons)通过卫星视频连线“亲临”漫展现场。全体剧组人员欢乐爆料,问答环节笑点十足。 制片人恰克·罗利(Chuck Lorre)承诺拉杰将迎来一段恋情。 鉴于在今年秋季档开始时,罗利制作的《好汉两个半》(Two and a Half Men)也移到了周四播出,他开玩笑说也许两部戏可以来个人物大交叉。他说:“如果在座几位之一能去辅导杰克(Jake)就太好了,杰克就是个小蠢蛋。” 我们什么时候才能知道佩妮(Penny)的姓呢?大家还是别指望答案了。卡莉·库柯(Kaley Cuoco)说:“我觉得佩妮就像雪儿(Cher 著名歌手)一样,她只