爱尔兰作家Flann O'Brien的小说"At Swim Two Birds"曾入选"时代"杂志英文小说100强,Roger Quigley(The Montgolfier Brothers成员)以At Swim Two Birds为名于2003年在vespertine & son发表了他的个人专辑"Quigley's point" ,这是一张值得细细品味的饱含纤细情感的专辑。同时也被很多杂志评选为当年的indie top10。

  低沉忧郁的和弦,配合主唱Roger Quigley点缀其中的低声吟唱和叹息,绘出一个静谧深蓝的夜空、一份多愁善感的氛围。此刻,也许你应该放下或亮或暗的心情,沉浸入音乐中,回忆那仅属于自己的故事。


Artist:At Swim Two Birds

darling,don't call me darling

i am not your darling any more

lover,simplely lover

nothing more

all over now


no kisses

no arms tight around me

telling me alright

all over

no whispered
sth like that time
stories of king and queen..
in autumn,we last forever
our shining the star for all over now
no one drunk confession
no more do i need accomplishing

so darling
don't call me darling
i am not ur darling any more
we were lover,simplely lover
nothing more
all love
all over now
