沪江英乐讯 据外媒报道,现年27岁的《美国偶像》第八季亚军亚当·兰伯特(Adam Lambert)日前被拍到与一男子牵手逛夜店,这位男子名叫德里克·拉博瑞(Drake LaBry),是一位室内设计师,他也曾出现在《美国偶像》的直播节目的亚当亲友团中为Adam Lambert呐喊助威。据悉,亚当·兰伯特将在下一期《滚石》(Rolling Stone)杂志的报道中正式出柜。
乐闻头条:Kris Allen获得美国偶像第八季冠军
在《美国偶像》第八季总决赛结果宣布当晚,以一身火辣比基尼装束出现的评委Kara DioGuardi透露,她认为亚当对性向之类的事情显得很开放,当然,这些都基于她的所见。
Adam Lambert, 27-year-old runner-up on season eight of American Idol, was seen holding hands with interior designer Drake LaBry as they exited hot spot Guys and Dolls night club in West Hollywood last night.
The 24-year-old LaBry has been frequently seen in the audience during Idol broadcasts and backstage with Lambert, fueling speculation about when the talented rocker would officially ‘out' himself.
Lambert will appear on the cover of the next Rolling Stone issue and will officially ‘out' himself in the accompanying interview.
Idol judge Kara DioGuardi, who rocked a bikini during the Idol finale, was on The View earlier this week and said that she believes he has always been open about his sexuality, at least from what she has witnessed.