Do you stand by your story? I don't have a story. You saw Mr Bates in here alone, hanging up the cellar key. To me, that is a story. I only said I might have seen him. Suppose I was wrong? And Miss O'Brien, were you then wrong when you thought you saw Mr Bates carrying a bottle? You wicked creature. Anna. You're here to watch, not participate. I don't think I was wrong, no. What do you say to that Mr Bates? I know this to be untrue because I have no need of it. Since I arrived at Downton, you have never seen me drink one drop of alcohol. Let us say, then, that Miss O'Brien was mistaken. Mistaken, my eye. And Daisy, we all know the value of your contribution. Yes, Mr Carson. But I must ask one thing, Mr Bates. How did you know the wine had been taken? I'm afraid I cannot
这是你的说辞吗? 我没有说辞。 你看见贝茨先生一个人在这里挂着酒窖的钥匙这就是说辞。 我只是说我可能看见他,也许我错了。 奥布瑞恩小姐你是不是也看错了说贝茨先生拿着酒瓶? 你这个卑鄙小人! 安娜你来这里是当个见证别插嘴。 我没看错。 你怎么说贝茨先生。 我知道这不是真的,我来到唐顿以后一滴酒都没有沾。 那就当是奥布瑞恩小姐弄错了吧。 弄错了,天呐。 还有黛西,我们都知道你扮演了什么角色。 是的卡森先生。 但是我还是要问你一件事贝茨,你怎么知道酒窖里少酒了。 我不能说