《越狱》大帅哥温特沃斯·米勒中国行,先后登上了上海黄浦江的游艇和北京国家大剧院的舞台为服装品牌代言亮相拍照。36岁的米帅本次中国行是为了出席中国时装品牌美特斯邦威旗下的Me & City旗舰店的开张。而在福克斯电视台11月的宣传片段中,迈克当着莎拉和林肯的面倒下了。





Prison Break hottie Wentworth Miller poses for photos aboard a yacht on Huangpu River and at the National Grand Theater in China’s Shanghai and Beijing earlier this week. The 36-year-old actor has been in town to do help open the Me & City flagship store for Chinese clothing company Metersbonwe. Check out the FOX promo for November. Watch at :22. Michael falls right in front of Sara and Lincoln.