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S: Finished, sir? D: Yeah. Hey, do you have a light? Old Gold man, huh? Lucky Strike here. Can I ask you a question? Why do you smoke Old Gold? P: I'm sorry, sir. Is Sam here bothering you? [00:34]     1      D: [00:37]     2      Is that okay? P: Can I get you another drink? D: Yeah. Do this again. Old-fashioned, please. So you obviously need to relax after working here all night. S: I guess. I don't know. D: But what is it? I mean, low-tar? Those new filters? Why, I mean, why Old Gold? S: They gave 'em to us in the service a carton a week for free. D: So you're used to 'em, is that it? S: Yeah. They're a habit. D: I could never get you to try another brand, say, my Luckies? S: I love my Old Golds. D: All right, well, let's just say tomorrow a tobacco weevil comes and eats every last Old Gold on the planet. S: [01:20]     3      D: It's a tragedy. Would you just stop smoking? S: [01:27]     4      I love smoking. D: "I love smoking. " That's very good. S: My wife hates it. Reader's Digest says it will kill you. D: Yeah, I heard about that. S: [01:41]    5      D: Yes, they do.
He could be a little chatty. No, we're actually just having a conversation. That's a sad story. I think I could find something. Ladies love their magazines.
S: 先生,您用完餐了吗? D: 是的。嘿,你有火儿吗?你抽的是黄金时代,对吗?这是好彩。我能问你个问题吗?为什么你抽黄金时代? P: 很抱歉,先生。Sam打扰到你了吗?他的话可能有点多。 D: 没有,我们就是聊聊天。可以吗? P: 我再给你续杯酒吧? D: 好的。请来一杯同样的,古典鸡尾酒。那么说来,干了整晚的活之后,你显然得好好放松一下。 S: 是吧,我也不清楚。 D: 但为什么是它?我是想说,因为焦油含量低?还是新款滤嘴?为什么,我是指,为什么要抽黄金时代? S: 他们每周免费送一条给我们这些在餐厅服务的人。 D: 所以你都抽习惯了,对吧? S: 嗯,都成习惯了。 D: 没有人能让你尝尝别的牌子,比如,好彩? S: 我喜欢黄金时代。 D: 好吧,嗯,让我们假设一下,明天,一只烟草象鼻虫出现,把地球上的所有黄金时代都吃光了。 S: 这是一个悲伤的故事啊。 D: 这绝对是个悲剧。你会因此再也不抽烟吗? S: 我想我会抽别的牌子。我爱抽烟。 D: “我爱抽烟。”很好。 S: 我妻子不喜欢我抽烟。《读者文摘》说,吸烟致人死亡。 D: 嗯,我也听说过。 S: 女人就是喜欢她们的杂志。 D: 是的,的确是这样。 ——翻译 by 十平  (水平有限,仅供参考)