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Artist:Club 8
Song:Love in december

so this is love
in the end of december 
quiet nights 
quiet stars
and I'm here
monday to sunday 
cause you're fragile 
and I'm weak
so you fall 
when the nights grow longer
into sleep 
and won't wake up

don't you worry
I'll be there for you 
don't worry about me
you know me better than that 
I'll catch you if you would fall 
so you drift 
when the days grow colder
away from me 
and won't look back
faraway and I can't guide you 
but I'm here 
till the spring

瑞典独立乐队Club 8


曾几何时,《Love in December》竟成为Club 8的标志曲目,甚至在中国,通过互连网可以随意搜索到N个有关这首歌的情感记录,对于许多人来说,《love in December》也不仅仅是符号那么简单,更多的都成为了记忆深处某种情节的寄托。其实整张专集的所有作品都拥有跟《love in December》相似的属性,因为当时Club 8受Portishead和Air影响正深,并且巧妙的借鉴了trip-hop的阴冷气质与法国温情电子的浪漫情怀,而karolina的声音在这张唱片里也显的比前作更加寒气逼人,所以整张专集其实可以说是对于之前两张专集《Nouvelle》的温情与《the friend I once had》的灵巧的成功积累,并且勇敢的把在音乐上新的想法容入到其中。当然事实也证明,Club 8的勇敢为自身取得了更大的成功以及发展机会。