
hint: None

Harry: Yeah. I guess you're right.
Johnny: Well done Olivia.
Fadi: She's always right.
Olivia: Not always
Fadi: So, Olivia, can I get you a drink?
Olivia: Erm not right now. I have to run off.
Fadi: Oh yeah?
Olivia: Erm, well, yes, actually.
Fadi: Oh yes?
Olivia: I'm meeting someone.
Johnny: "Someone"?
Olivia: Yeah.
He's just a friend.
Johnny: Oh yeah?
Olivia: Yes. Really. Anyhow, I have to go. Bye all!
All: Bye!
Johnny: What do you think about that then Fadi? Olivia's got a boyfriend!
Fadi: He's not a boyfriend. He's just a friend. She said so.
Johnny: And you believe her?
Johnny: I don't believe you!
Fadi: Phew. Hey Carlos! The man of the moment! Congratulations!
Johnny: Congratulations on the great success!
Harry: Yeah, it was a brilliant night.
Carlos: Was it?
Johnny: Of course it was!
Fadi: What's up? The restaurant was packed last night!
Carlos: Yeah – that's the problem!
Fadi: Eh? I don't understand.
Carlos: Well, did you notice that nobody actually paid for anything?!
Fadi: Erm, well, no, we didn’t pay
Johnny: But that's because we're your friends, isn't it?
Carlos: Of course, of course, I don't mind that. I didn't expect you lot to pay. The problem is that nobody did! I thought giving out free food would be a good idea!
Fadi: It was! Everyone loved it!
Johnny: But your opening night's profit?
Carlos: Zero. Nothing. Not only that! I lost a lot of money!
Fadi: Oh no.
Johnny: You need a good business manager! Like me! I know how to make money!
Harry: Yeah yeah yeah.
Johnny: Listen, look on the bright side! It's all good publicity.
Carlos: I certainly hope so. Now I'll just have to wait and see!

I'll sit down and have a proper talk with her about it. Are you going anywhere special? A guy who comes into my shop. To be perfectly honest, I couldn't care less! Everyone was stuffing themselves! And because we'd spent most of the day helping you decorate the place so it was ready for the opening. Those people will come back and spend loads of money and tell all their friends and then they'll come too!