

My name is Olive. Due to a rare congenital condition, _________1_________. As a youngster, __________2__________. Tenpin bowling was impossible. __________3__________. After a dance, a girl once like the experience to holding the paw of a weasel. When I had decided to put an end to myself, ________4________. So I prayed for a _____5_____. Suddenly, I was overcome with an urge to sew. My stitches were so small and undetected. They will go ____6____ to the untrained. Soon, my new-found became famous across the land. ______7______. And it wasn't long before the makers of the world's finest clothes ________8________. I've been hired here for ten years this August. Here _______9_______, but as a hero. And no longer do I feel cursed, ______10______.

I have very small hands I used anything to hide my hands from you Piano lessons were utterly humiliating my finger didn't reach the trigger purposive life unnoticed Girls liked me offered me a position in their workshop I'm not treated as a freak I feel blessed
我的名字是奥利弗。 由于一种罕见的先天因素,我的两只手非常的小。 青少年时期,在人前我总是把双手藏起来。 打保龄球是不可能的。 上钢琴课也非常的丢人。 舞会后,女孩感觉是握着黄鼠狼的爪子。 就连当我决定结束自己生命的时候,我的手指都够不到扳机。 所以我祈祷能得到一个有意义的人生。 突然之间,我禁不住想要缝东西。 我的针脚如此的小以至于察觉不到。 以至于人们都看不到瑕疵。 不久我的这项新技能就让我家喻户晓了。 女孩们开始喜欢我了。 不久之后世界上最顶级的裁缝们也在他们的工作室里为我留了一个位子。 到今年八月份,我已经被这个工作室雇佣十年了。 在这里,我不是被当成一个怪物,而是一个英雄。 我也不再觉得自己是被诅咒的,相反,我觉得我是被神祝福的。