Gray,quiet and tired and mean Picking at a worried seam I try to make you mad at me Over the phone Red eyes and fires and signs I'm taken by a nursery rhyme I want to make a ray of sunshine And never leave home No amount of coffee No amount of crying No amount of whiskey No amount of wine No Nothing else will do I've gotta have you I've gotta have you
忧郁、安静、疲倦又刻薄 为小小的忧虑吹毛求疵 通过电话 故意惹你生气 双眼通红,激情似火 思绪随着儿时的歌谣飘远 再也不离开 再多的咖啡 再多的哭叫 再多的威士忌 再多的美酒 不。。。。。。 没有东西可以替代 我必须拥有你 必须拥有你