听英文歌,练听写,寓学于乐,让你不仅放松了心情,更练习了听力。亲们,今天听写的是歌曲《Would You Please Come Home》。希望大家喜欢歌曲哦~




Standing in the misty and lonely _______1_______,
Watching on this confluence falling in _______2_______,
I wonder why you have not called to _______3_______,
You know I feel lonely in the night,
In this _______4_______,
Maybe you'll call on and let me know you'll _______5_______,
Maybe you'll just think that I would be all right,
I need you to _______7_______ now,
I cannot live without your being,
So come home to me my love,
Which that I can _______8_______,
Just the way I'm _______9_______ now,
Are you willing to come back to me if I call
On _______10_______.

【今日推荐理由】: 黎明的歌《今夜你会不会来》的英文版本,可是没有找到歌者,所以大家就多担待吧。个人觉得两个版本的味道有些不一样,大家觉得呢?很多时候,漫长的等待是未知的结局,但是依然甘愿等待,哪怕已经知道不会有结果。只是,在这样的等待过程中,也不要忘记了,照顾好自己!



went to evening the night tell me good night cold and lonely time be all right No matter what you think come home to me only let you know feeling you my love