One of the most popular plants at Christmas is the poinsettia. These plants are valued for their colorful bracts, which look like leaves. Most poinsettias are bright red. But they also can be white or pink. Poinsettias are native to Mexico. They are named after America's first ambassa…
圣诞中最流行的植物之一就是圣诞红。这种植物因其彩色苞片而有价值,这些苞片看起来像叶片。多数圣诞红是鲜红色的,但也有粉色和白色的。圣诞红原产于墨西哥。 它们是以美国首任驻墨西哥大使Joel Poinsett的名字命名的。他喜欢这种植物并运回一些到美国。许多人认为圣诞红是有毒的。但是,研究者说那不是事实。他们说植物茎…