今天献给大家的是《断背山》插曲--I Don't Want To Say Goodbye。希望你喜欢,愿你天天拥有好心情。


I don't want to say goodbye
I don't want to say goodbye
All I want to do is love with you
On a place where the sun always shone
Don't you know that's where our hearts both __5__


【听写回顾】点击回顾上一期《The Sound Of Silence听写»
Let the stars shine through Just like the light of the morning After the darkness has gone The shadow of my love is falling belong
我不想说再见,让星星继续闪耀;我不想说再见,我想做的就是与你相爱。放佛黑暗离去,清晨的光亮到来,我的爱情的影子随着太阳的升起而消失。难道你不知道,那就是我们心脏一起跳动的地方。 ——译文来自: 沙漠之舟0612