今天献给大家的是電影《畢業生》的插曲 - The Sound Of Silence。希望你喜欢,愿你天天拥有好心情。


And in the naked light I saw
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
And no one dare
__3__ the sound of silence
Fool said I you do not know
Hear my words that I might teach you
___5__ that I might reach you
But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed ___6__ of silence


【听写回顾】点击回顾上一期《Just One Last Dance听写»
Ten thousand people maybe more People writing songs that voices never share Disturb Silence like a cancer grows Take my arms in the walls
在刺眼的光中我看到成千上万的人,也许更多。人们无心漫谈从不肯吐露心声,人们泛泛而听从不肯认真留意,人们写下的歌 从未唱起。没有人敢打扰这寂静之声。愚昧啊,你上不知,寂静像毒瘤在生长。听我的话吧,我会教你,伸出我的手,我会接触到你。但是我的话放佛寂静雨滴的坠落,回荡在寂静的墙内。 ——译文来自: 沙漠之舟0612