
Top 10 Reasons Women Love Vampires

10. Vampires are loners

Vampires work alone. They don’t have many friends, and if they do, they are usually out doing their own thing. Women love vampires because they have all the time in the world.


9. Vampires require no commitment during the day

Women love vampires because vampires can’t take up the entirety of a woman’s day. Sleepovers only last until the sun is coming up and vampires are nowhere to be found until the sun goes down. Sometimes a woman does just want to be alone.

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8. Vampires dress well

Ever seen a poorly dressed vampire? Never. Vampires are always impeccably dressed with perfect hair and a nice complexion (though a tad pale). Their fashionable (and usually dark) duds show off just the right amount of chest. A nice pair of skin-tight pants and an occasional ascot or medallion completes the look.


7. Vampires love necking

Vampires love mess around the neck area -- the “sweet spot” as it’s known around the coffins. They know how to start off tender and soft and then get a little rough. Rough enough to draw blood. Kinky.


6. Vampires are moody

Women beg to differ, but they honestly do like the occasional hint of drama in a relationship. It keeps things fresh and exciting. This is perfect for the vampire, whose mood is constantly changing. You’d be pissed too if people wanted you dead and all you’ve had to eat for a couple centuries is some blood and the occasional taste of plasma.


5. Vampires are persuasive

Vampires have a calming demeanor. They are suave, smooth and soft-spoken, and the women eat it up. They convince the smart and savvy women that their odd behavior is on the up-and-up. They even convince them it’s cool to suck blood. How hard is that?


4. Vampires search forever to find "her"

Woman love to think they were destined to be with one man for the rest of their lives. They love the romantic angle of a soul mate -- two people destined to meet, fall in love and be together forever. Now imagine that man is just as eager to find eternal love and has been searching for untold centuries. It knocks a woman off her feet like a silver bullet through the heart.


3. Vampires are romantic

Give those dead, bloodsucking bastards credit: they know how to romance to win the heart of a woman. The setting is always dark and mysterious and the atmosphere is just right. The full moon seems to follow them wherever they go. One of the reasons women love vampires is that they know how to pull all the tricks to make the setting perfect. Also working to their advantage is that they don’t do much talking to ruin the moment. They’ve also had years of practice.


2. Vampires are powerful

Vampires exude two types of power. The first is the raw, physical power. The vampire is always in phenomenal shape. The second type of power is mental. He's usually a manipulative bastard who can match brains as much as brawn. This amazing one-two combo is a major reason women love vampires. Moreover, it’s almost impossible to kill a vampire. You think he’s dead? Nope. Still not dead.


1. Vampires are the ultimate bad boys

Women love bad boys. He answers to no one, lives by his own rules, wears nice clothes, and is hated by millions of living people. He is the man her mother warned her about except with more guy-liner and lip gloss than either of them could have ever predicted. He isn’t just bad, he’s dead. Beat that!