沪江英乐讯   第一届沪江网络外文歌曲大赛初赛已经落下帷幕,首先恭喜英语赛区20位入围的选手,你们的歌声让每一位评委都印象深刻!本周音乐主题周,选登20强选手的初赛歌曲,欢迎大众评审团评头论足!

Song:Price Tag

Artist: Jalam (沪江部落)


评委点评:窃以为Jalam 是冠军的最有力竞争者之一!唱功相当之了得,甩快女十强十条大街不过分吧。比原唱还有味道有没有!期待复赛表现!

Everybody look to their left (yeah)
Everybody look to their right
Can you feel that? (yeah)
We're playing with love tonight...

It's not about the money, money, money
We don't need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag.
Ain't about the (uh) Cha-Ching Cha-Ching.
Ain't about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling
Wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag.

We need to take it back in time,
When music made us all UNITE!
And it wasn't low blows and video hoes,

Am I the only one gettin... tired?
Why is everybody so obsessed?
Money can't buy us happiness.
Can we all slow down, and enjoy right now?
Guarantee we'll be feelin 
