作者:Jennifer Brozak
来源:10 Words That Mean Very Different Things in England and America
2019-03-10 10:07
10 Words That Mean Very Different Things in England and America (Part 1)
English is English, right? Not exactly. Even though Americans share the same language as those in Great Britain, words that commonly mean one thing here can mean something completely different across the pond—and vice-versa. Avoid potential embarrassment by getting a handle on these tricky linguistic twists.
In the United States a bird is, well, an animal with feathers that tweets. In England, however, a bird is often used to describe a young female, similar to the way young women are referred to as “chicks” in the America . Be wary of calling your boss’s daughter a bird, however; some Britons consider the term to be derogatory.
Here in America the word “geezer” is a derogatory term often paired with “old” to describe an elderly (and often eccentric) old man. In Great Britain, the word “geezer” is a slang term given to a regular man, and is often used the same way Americans refer to young guys as “dudes.”
Saying you need a new trainer in America means something quite different than it does in England. Here, trainers are fitness experts who can help you work out. Abroad, trainers are just another name for sneakers, or tennis shoes.
你在美国和英国说你需要一个新的“trainer”,意思完全不同。在美国,“trainers”是能帮助你锻炼的健身专家。而在英国, “trainers ”只是运动鞋或网球鞋的另一种说法。
In the America , the term “jumper” typically involves a call to 911, as it can refer to a person who’s attempting to jump from a bridge or building. The meaning could not be more different in Great Britain, where “jumper” is the name given to a knitted top, or, as it’s called in America: a sweater.
在美国,“jumper”通常会出现在和911的对话中,一般指试图从桥上或楼房上跳楼的人。而在英国,这个词的意思完全不同,“jumper”是指针织毛衫,即美式英语里的 “sweater ”。
While the word “rubber” in America is a slang term for a condom, in England, it has a much more innocent connotation: It’s simply the name given to a pencil eraser.