沪江英乐讯    电影《海盗之声》讲述了一个由DJ组成的乐队用音乐结合了整整一代人起来和一个古板到都不能接受爵士乐的政府“对著干”的故事。1966年的英国,那时的BBC是播放流行音逾乐的重地,但是即使是这么开放的之声,每周留给摇滚的时间只有2个小时。但是,与此同时,有一个非法的“海盗之声”Radio Rock却在秘密地播放摇滚乐。2500万人——超过英国总人口的一半都在听这个之声的音乐。导演的处女作是《真爱至上》(Love Actually),大家可以想象出这部《海盗之声》也是完全走英式幽默的路线。这首Stay With Me是电影中DJ Simon婚姻受挫后在之声放的歌曲,他边放边惨兮兮地跟着唱,听着就让人伤心~
:Lorraine Ellison
Song:Stay With Me

Where did you go when things went wrong baby?

Who did you run to

And find a shoulder to lay your head upon?

Baby wasn't I there?

Didn't I take good care of ou?

No no, I can't believe you're leaving me

Stay with me baby

Please, stay with me baby

Ooh, stay with me baby

I can't go on
Who did you touch when you needed tenderness?

I gave you so much

And in return I found happiness

Baby what did I do

Maybe, maybe I was too good, too good to you

No no, I can't believe you're leaving me

Stay with me baby

Ooh, stay with me baby

Ooh, please stay with me baby
Remember you said you'd always gonna need me

Remember you said you'd never ever leave me

Remember, remember, I'm asking you, begging you, ooh, ooh

Stay with me baby,

Please please stay with me baby

Stay with me baby

I can't go on

Ooh stay with me baby

I'm begging you, stay with me baby

Stay, stay, stay with me baby...