As an actress, I've always sought out roles that portrayed women as strong and powerful -- such as Elle Woods, who was in the "Legally Blonde" movies -- who happened to be the biggest fashionista who ever came to Washington -- until Michelle Obama. Thanks a lot.
That's why I was thrilled when Avon approached me to become their global ambassador and the honorary chair of the Avon Foundation for Women. Avon is truly a company that is dedicated to changing women's lives all over the world, through economic opportunities and through their incredible philanthropic efforts.
That's when I began to realize the importance of women's empowerment. It isn't only about the girls and the women who are barred from realizing their potential: It's also about their children, their families, and their communities. That's why it's so important that we make investments like the one that Andrea and Secretary Clinton have announced today, and that's why we also need to support the passage of the International Violence Against Women Act.
As I look around this room today, I see policymakers, activists and community leaders, people who have dedicated themselves to making a difference. But I also see mothers and fathers, sisters and daughters, who know the impact that they can make in their own families and communities.
And that's what gives me such hope that we can change things in our time for women everywhere. You understand the impact of speaking up and speaking out in order to create this imperative change in the world.
I am lucky enough to have a little daughter of my own, and I feel so very inspired to be here today, surrounded by people who work tirelessly to change the way women are treated all over the world. Because of your hard work, your support and your endless faith in the potential of women, I know you will make this world a better place for my daughter and for all of yours as well.
Thank you so much.
fashionista: someone who is very interested in fashion and who likes the very newest styles 疯狂追求时髦与流行的人,时尚达人
honorary: An honorary title or membership of a group is given to someone without their needing to have the necessary qualifications, usually because of their public achievements. 荣誉的
philanthropic: A philanthropic person or organization freely gives money or other help to people who need it. 慈善的
International Violence Against Women Act:《国际防止对妇女施暴法案》