1.《阿凡达》导演James Cameron

《阿凡达》导演James Cameron 六获奥斯卡提名的詹姆斯·卡梅隆是影坛的先锋,他对于电影新技术的运用从来具有划时代的意义。他最著名的提名电影是《泰坦尼克号》
Including his nominations this year for Film Editing and Best Picture for AVATAR, this is the sixth Academy Award nomination for James Cameron. He was previously nominated for:
TITANIC (1997) -- Winner, Directing
TITANIC (1997) -- Winner, Film Editing
TITANIC (1997) -- Winner, Best Picture

2.《拆弹部队》导演Kathryn Bigelow

《拆弹部队》导演Kathryn Bigelow 身为詹姆斯·卡梅隆的前妻,凯瑟琳·毕格罗同样具有强大的竞争实力。
Including her nomination this year for Best Picture for THE HURT LOCKER, this is the second Academy Award nomination for Kathryn Bigelow.

3.《无耻混蛋》导演Quentin Tarantino

《无耻混蛋》导演Quentin Tarantino 昆汀电影已经是一个品牌,他总是潇洒把玩,不拘一格。这是他第四次奥斯卡提名,最有名的是《低俗小说》。
Including his nomination this year for Original Screenplay for INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS, this is the fourth Academy Award nomination for Quentin Tarantino. He was previously nominated for:
PULP FICTION (1994) -- Nominee, Directing
PULP FICTION (1994) -- Winner, Writing (Original)

4.《珍爱人生》导演Lee Daniels

《珍爱人生》导演Lee Daniels 李·丹尼斯把一个弱势少女的故事叙述得感人至深,游走于主人公内心幻想和残酷现实的切换显得张力十足。
Including his nomination this year for Best Picture for PRECIOUS: BASED ON THE NOVEL 'PUSH' BY SAPPHIRE, this is the second Academy Award nomination for Lee Daniels.

5.《在云端》导演Jason Reitman

《在云端》导演Jason Reitman 曾经因为《朱诺》一片得过奥斯卡提名的杰森·瑞特曼此番卷土重来,影片看来快慢有致,节奏感颇强。
Including his nominations this year for Best Picture and Adapted Screenplay for UP IN THE AIR, this is the fourth Academy Award nomination for Jason Reitman. He was previously nominated for:
JUNO (2007) -- Nominee, Directing