
After his decades-long career in the film industry, Jackie Chan finally got his hands on an Oscar.

Chan, 62, was awarded an honorary Oscar at the Eighth Annual Governors Awards at the Hollywood and Highland Center in Los Angeles on Saturday night. Tom Hanks, Michelle Yeoh and Chris Tucker presented Chan with the award in the final presentation of the evening.

Tom Hanks discussed Chan’s “enormous creativity”, “Great acting comes in many different forms, but if you are an actor you always know it when you see it. Jackie Chan’s films have been incredibly serious, sometimes gruesomely so, as well as incredibly hilarious to the point pop delighting millions of peoples around the globe.”

Hanks then compared Chan to the likes of John Wayne and Buster Keaton.

“But Jackie does something that neither one of those great screen legends was ever able to do,” he said. “Neither one of those great artists ever, ever put the bloopers on during the closing credits.”

Chan accepted his award, calling it a “dream” and reflecting on his memories growing up and watching the Oscars with his parents.

“My dad always said, ‘Son, you get so many movies out around the world, when are you going to get one of these?’ Then I just look at my dad. ‘Ha, ha, ha. Dad, I only make comedy-action movies.’ ”


成龙这句话是非常地道的英语口语,“get movie out”就是口语中的“拍电影”,而“gonna”在英文歌词中经常见到,相当于“going to”。这是成龙父亲在陪儿子一起看奥斯卡颁奖典礼时说的话,表达了对孩子的殷切希望。

“comedy-action movie”的意思是“喜剧动作电影”。面对父亲认真的提问,成龙可没有那么自信,他先是报以“哈哈哈”,然后又解释了这句“拍的都是喜剧动作片”,说明他原本没有想到只拍喜剧动作片也能拿到奥斯卡奖。

I saw these little things in his house. I touched her. I kissed her. I smelled her.



The actor gave his thanks to the people and places that helped him get to his award-winning night.

“After 56 years in the film industry, making over 200 films, I’ve broken so many bones, finally this is mine,” he said. “I want to thank you, Hong Kong, such an incredible city, my hometown, who make me. China, my country, I am proud to be Chinese. Thank you, Hollywood, for all of those years teaching me so many things, and also make me a little bit famous. I’m just honored to be here.”


但是后面话锋一转提到“broke so many bones”和有点自嘲意味的“this is mine”,这是英语中常用的修辞手法“低调陈述”(understatement),既能营造幽默氛围,又能显得很谦虚,最后能给人留下更深刻的印象。】


Last but not least, millions of thanks to my fans around the world.


成龙在这里又发挥了自己的喜剧天赋,他先是说了一大堆“thank you”,最后甚至都说到“不知道感谢谁了”。
背景音乐响起,发言像要结束,他却振臂高呼“last but not least”,这个短语的意思是“虽然放在最后说,但重要性一点也不少”,小伙伴们写作文时可以反复在最后一个要点前用上这个“金句”,绝对能给文章加分的!
还有“millions of thanks to sb.”也是非常地道的表达,可以把你从毫无特色的“Thank you very much”中解救出来哦!
