
迈克尔·杰克逊的太空舞步独一无二,但却并非凭空而来。这一动作可以溯源至法国哑剧表演艺术家Marcel Marceau的“逆风而行”技巧,他用肢体语言表现出在大风中逆行的样子。


And that's the moonwalk. It's actually a very simple dance — and one Jackson didn't invent out of thin air. Its origins can be traced back to French mime Marcel Marceau's "Walking Against the Wind" trick, in which he pretended to be pushed backward by an imaginary gust of wind.

If you're having trouble, try practicing in your socks. Sure, it's a little more Risky Business than King of Pop, but the lack of friction will give you a boost until you get the hang of it.

When done correctly, the dance will produce the illusion of walking forward while actually moving back. You can swing your arms with every step, or copy what Jackson did and hunch up your shoulders while grabbing onto your hat. You are wearing a hat, aren't you? You should probably wear a hat.