世界最大邮轮 载客数翻倍泰坦尼克
2014-10-17 15:13
The Oasis Of The Seas,is the name of the mammoth new cruise liner, the biggest in the world。
This floating megahotel is 1,187ft long — as long as the Shard skyscraper in London is tall — and at 208ft wide is broader than the wingspan of a Boeing 747.
The £800 million ship, weighing 225,282 tonnes, is 40 per cent bigger than any other vessel that’s ever docked in Britain. It can hold 5,400 passengers and 2,394 crew.
Its 16 decks are packed with all sorts of diversions: an outdoor park with 12,000 plants and trees, including vines and bamboos; an 82ft-long zipwire, and a high-diving board.
For exercise, there are basketball courts, rock-climbing walls, an ice-rink and mini-golf. There are 10,000 square metres of retail space, more 20 restaurants and 37 bars — including one, the Rising Tide, which goes up and down between three decks.
Of all the attractions aboard the Oasis, the two most depressing on offer are the biggest swimming pool at sea and not one, but two, surfing machines. What on earth is the point of a swimming pool, however big, and fake waves, when you are sailing through the biggest pool in the world — the sea itself?
The Oasis passengers injected half-a-million pounds into the local economy in their single day docked at Southampton. And the economies of scale are beneficial to those passengers, too: a two-week holiday starts at just £1,300, less than £100 a day — what a bargain!