周末影院:母亲节 献给妈妈的电影
“M”is for the million things she gave me
“O”means only that she's growing old
“T”is for tears she shed save me
“H”is for her heart of purest gold
“E”is for her eyes,with the love-light shining
“R”means right,and right she'll always be right
Put them all together,they spell “MOTHER”, a word that means the world to me. Around and around ever expanding, touching everyone who comes in touch with it. Engulfing them like the moring's mist, warming them like the noontime sun, and covering them like a blanket of evening stars. A mother's love is like is a cirle, it has no beginning and ending.
妈妈咪呀 Mamma Mia! (2008)
妈妈咪呀 Mamma Mia! (2008)
导演: 菲利达·劳埃德
编剧: 凯瑟琳·约翰逊
主演: 梅丽尔·斯特里普 / 阿曼达·塞弗里德 / 皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 / 柯林·菲尔斯 / 斯特兰·斯卡斯加德 / 朱丽·沃特斯 / 多米尼克·库珀
类型: 喜剧 / 爱情 / 歌舞
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2008-07-18
苏菲(阿曼达·塞弗里德 Amanda Seyfried 饰)与斯盖伊(多米尼克·库珀 Dominic Cooper 饰)的爱情即将修成正果,两人正在为马上来临的婚礼紧张筹备着。不过,在苏菲的心中,一直有一个愿望,就是希望父亲能够在婚礼当天亲手将自己的手送到新郎的手上。可惜,妈妈(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)一直没有告诉过她到底谁是她的亲生父亲。不得已,苏菲偷看了妈妈的日记,发现其上记录的三个人中的一个很可能就是自己的亲生父亲。于是,她发出了三张请柬邀请他们来参加她的婚礼,想通过这短暂的接触,最终从三人中找出自己的爸爸。于是,在闺蜜的帮助下,在这美丽的希腊小岛上,上演了一出别具特色的寻父记。最终苏菲是否能找出自己的亲生父亲,举行一场完美的婚礼?
妈妈咪呀 Mamma Mia! (2008)
Sophie: Do you think I'm letting you down?
Donna: Why would you even think that?
Sophie: Oh because, of what you've done! I mean the Dynamos, raising a kid and running a business all on your own...
Donna: Honey, I didn't have a choice. I couldn't go home. When I got pregnant, my mother told me not to bother coming back. And I wouldn't have had it any other way! My God, look at what we've had!
Father Alex: And a welcome to Donna, who's representing her side of the family.
Donna: And a welcome to... Sophie's dad... He's here.
Sophie: I know, I invited him.
Donna: How could you? I don't know which one it is... OH MY GOD... that's why they're here!
Sophie: I'm sorry, please forgive me!
Donna: I don't know... Can you forgive me?
Sophie: What? I don't care if you slept with hundreds of men. You're my mother and I love you.
Donna: Oh, Sophie... And I haven't slept with hundreds of men...
苏菲的抉择 Sophie's Choice (1982)
苏菲的抉择 Sophie's Choice (1982)
导演: 艾伦·J·帕库拉
编剧: 艾伦·J·帕库拉
主演: 梅丽尔·斯特里普 / 凯文·克莱恩 / 彼特·麦尼科 / Rita Karin / Stephen D. Newman
类型: 剧情 / 爱情
语言: 英语 / 波兰语 / 德语 / 法语
上映日期: 1982-12-08
二战结束后Sophie(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)与男友移居到纽约贫民区,结识了同楼的作家。然而Sophie与男友时常吵架,动辄打闹,每次都是Sophie哭泣着乞求和好,明显她男友内森患有严重的精神疾病。作家开始并不习惯,后来渐渐被Sophie所吸引,二人惊天动地地相爱起来,被Sophie的男友发现,男友疯狂地妒意令他企图杀害Sophie和作家,二人一路逃跑,在小旅馆里,作家跟她求婚,这时Sophie讲了一个故事。二战期间,Sophie有一男一女两个孩子,在进入集中营时被迫选择2个只能留一个,在极短的时间内要作出这么重大的抉择,Sophie精神极尽崩溃,当她选择了留下儿子时内心已经全碎,然而两个孩子都未能存活,简直把Sophie的精神逼到绝路。
苏菲的抉择 Sophie's Choice (1982)
Sophie: My [[mother], she's very sick, you know. And I can't do anything. But I think — if only I could have got — that meat for my mother it would make her [[strong]. So I go to the country and er... the peasants were selling ham and I buy it with the black market money and I bring it back. But it's forbidden, you know, because all the meat goes to the Germans. So I sat on the train and I hid it under my skirt, I am pretending that I am pregnant, you know? Oh I was so afraid. I was shaking. And then the German, was in front of the train and he saw me. So he come over and take under my skirt that ham and... So they sent me Auschwitz.
Stingo:You were sent to Auschwitz because you stole a ham?
Sophie: No, I was sent to Auschwitz because they saw that I was afraid.
辣妈辣妹 Freaky Friday (2003)
辣妈辣妹 Freaky Friday (2003)
导演: 马克·沃特斯
编剧: Mary Rodgers / Heather Hach
主演: 杰米·李·柯蒂斯 / 琳赛·露安 / 马克·哈蒙 / 海尔德·高德 / 查德·迈克尔·墨瑞
类型: 喜剧 / 家庭 / 奇幻
语言: 英语 / 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2003-08-04(美国)
黛丝(杰米•李•柯蒂斯 饰)是一个心理医生也是一个单亲母亲,独自抚养女儿安娜(林赛•洛翰 饰)与小儿子。但黛丝跟安娜的关系一直不好,两人都看不惯对方的做法。这天她们再次争吵:为安娜乐队及母亲再婚的事,表示如果换做是对方,事情就会有好的结果。没想到她们读了一位奇怪老婆婆所给的小纸条后,竟然互换了身份。惊恐中她们不得不接受事实,互相配合做好各自的事,这期间经历的事,才让母女认识到各自的生活,理解到各自的感受。但黛丝的婚礼就要进行了,身份还没法换回……
辣妈辣妹 Freaky Friday (2003)
Tess Coleman: I am beyond cutting you slack, Anna, but you are not going to the audition!
Anna Coleman: Yes, I am!
Tess Coleman: No, you're not!
Anna Coleman: Why not?!
Tess Coleman: Because I said so!
Pei-Pei's Mom: Cookie?
Anna Coleman: Role-playing! Her idea. New therapeutic technique. Switching points of view.
Grandpa: If I switch with Harry, do I have to wear a thong?
Harry Coleman: Earthquake. Save me. Earthquake.
真爱同心 Stepmom (1998)
真爱同心 Stepmom (1998)
导演: 克里斯·哥伦布
编剧: Gigi Levangie
主演: 朱莉娅·罗伯茨 / 苏珊·萨兰登 / 艾德·哈里斯
类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 家庭
语言: 英语
上映日期: 1998-12-24
贾姬(苏珊·萨兰登 Susan Sarandon饰)是路克(艾德·哈里斯 Ed Harris饰)的前任妻子。她为他生下一对儿女,精心操持家务,却终因性格不合而宣告婚姻失败。离婚三年来,儿女一直由贾姬和路克轮番照料,生活倒也波澜不惊,直到女摄影师伊莎贝尔(朱莉娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts饰)和路克堕入情网,矛盾开始繁衍激化。伊莎贝尔搬到路克家来,一心一意要做一个合格的继母。即使她没有多少持家经验,但还是设法和孩子们快乐相处,让他们接受自己。事与愿违,在孩子的心中,谁也无法替代生母贾姬的地位。而贾姬的心情更是复杂。她已经身患癌症,当然盼望有个好继母照顾孩子。可是,妒嫉心却让她不愿看到伊莎贝尔和孩子们情如骨肉。病症一天天恶化,心理挣扎的贾姬,终于有了令人释怀的决定。
真爱同心 Stepmom (1998)
Jackie Harrison: Yep. Life's a tradeoff. It's finally legal to smoke dope, but you got to have cancer.
Isabel: Are you dying?
Jackie Harrison: Not today.
Jackie Harrison: What are we going to tell the kids?
Luke: Maybe we should tell them the truth. They can handle it. It should've been me instead of you.
Jackie Harrison: I'll go along with that.
黑暗中的舞者 Dancer in the Dark (2000)
黑暗中的舞者 Dancer in the Dark (2000)
导演: 拉斯·冯·提尔
编剧: 拉斯·冯·提尔
主演: 比约克 / 凯瑟琳·德纳芙 / 大卫·摩斯 / 彼得·斯特曼 / 乌多·奇尔
类型: 剧情 / 歌舞
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2000-09-08
黑暗中的舞者 Dancer in the Dark (2000)
Jeff: [referring to Gene] Why did you have him? You knew he would have the same disease as you.
Selma: I just wanted to hold a little baby in my arms.
Selma: You like the movies, don't you?
Bill Houston: I love the movies. I just love the musicals.
Selma: But isn't it annoying when they do the last song in the films?
Bill Houston: Why?
Selma: Because you just know when it goes really big... and the camera goes like out of the roof... and you just know it's going to end. I hate that. I would leave just after the next to last song... and the film would just go on forever.
弱点 The Blind Side (2009)
弱点 The Blind Side (2009)
导演: 约翰·李·汉考克
编剧: 约翰·李·汉考克 / Michael Lewis
主演: 桑德拉·布洛克 / 蒂姆·麦格罗 / 昆东·亚伦 / 杰·海德 / 莉莉·柯林斯 / 雷·迈克金农 / 凯西·贝茨
类型: 剧情 / 家庭 / 传记 / 运动
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2009-11-20
黑人奥赫(昆东•亚伦 Quinton Aaron 饰)自幼父母离异,无家可归。不过,木讷的他却因为极强的身体条件和运动天赋,幸运地进入了一家孤儿院。虽然,他科科零分,但是一些细节却让他显得与众不同。一次排球比赛后,他主动收拾垃圾的行为,引起了陶西一家的注意。于是,陶西太太(桑德拉•布洛克 Sandra Bullock 饰)决定收养奥赫,并把他培养成橄榄球选手。陶西太太让他感受到了家庭的温暖。同时,陶西的儿子还帮助奥赫训练,使他很快地融入了橄榄球队的生活,不断激发运动的潜能。终于,在一次比赛中,他因出色的表现崭露头角,开始获得了球探的关注,随之带来了一系列的甜蜜和麻烦……
弱点 The Blind Side (2009)
Miss Sue: You like Tennessee? That's a good school. Not at the academic level of Ole Miss but they have an outstandin' science department. You know what they're famous for? They work with the FBI, to study the effects soil on decomposin' body parts. When they find a body, the police wanna know how long it's been dead. So the fine works at Tennessee help them out. Oh, they have lots of body parts. Arms and legs and hands, from hospitals and medical schools. And do you know where they store 'em? Right underneath the football field. So while it's fine and dandy to have 10,000 fans cheerin' for you, the bodies you should be worried about are the ones right under the turf. Set to poke up through the ground and grab you... Well, it's your decision where you wanna play ball. Don't let me influence you.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: Now, ya'll would guess that more often than not, the highest paid player on an NFL team is the quarterback. And you'd be right. But what you probably don't know is that more often than not, the second highest paid player is, thanks to Lawrence Taylor, a left tackle. Because, as every housewife knows, the first check you write is for the montgage, but the second is for the insurance. The left tackle's job is to protect the quarterback from what he can't see comin'. To protest his blind side.
姐姐的守护者 My Sister's Keeper (2009)
姐姐的守护者 My Sister's Keeper (2009)
导演: 尼克·卡索维茨
编剧: Jeremy Leven / 尼克·卡索维茨
主演: 卡梅隆·迪亚茨 / 阿比盖尔·布蕾斯琳 / 苏菲亚·威希涅瓦 / 亚历克·鲍德温 / 琼·库萨克 / 托马斯·戴克 / 希瑟·沃奎斯特 / 埃文·埃林森 / 杰森·帕特里克
类型: 剧情 / 家庭
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2009-06-26
为了让罹患血癌的凯特(苏菲亚·威希涅瓦 Sofia Vassilieva 饰)能够活下去,父母通过基因技术“制造”了与凯特的基因完美配型的小女儿——安娜(阿比吉尔·布莱斯林 Abigail Breslin 饰)。安娜感觉自己只是姐姐凯特的“药罐子”,11年来,凡是在凯特有需要的时候,无论是脐带血还是白血球、肝细胞、骨髓,她都得源源不断的向凯特提供。然而,即使有孤注一掷的妈妈(卡梅隆·迪亚茨 Cameron Diaz 饰)、无可奈何的爸爸,以及身边所有人的爱,凯特的情况还是越来越糟,肾功能的衰竭必须要年仅11岁的安娜捐献出自己的一个肾。这一次,安娜选择了拒绝,并且寻找到律师坎贝尔把母亲告上法庭,她要捍卫自己的身体。然而,法庭上哥哥杰西却吐露了另一番真相……
姐姐的守护者 My Sister's Keeper (2009)
Anna Fitzgerald: When I was a kid, my mother told me that I was a little piece of blue sky that came into this world cause she and dad loved me so much. It was only later that I realized that it wasn't exactly true. Most babies are coincidences. I mean up in space you've got all of these souls flying around, looking for bodies to live in, then down here on earth two people have sex or whatever and bam, coincidence. Sure you hear all these stories about how everyone plans these perfect families. But the truth is, most babies are products of drunken evenings and lack of birth control. They're accidents. Only people who have trouble making babies actually plan for them. I on the other hand, am not a coincidence. I was engineered, born for a particular reason. A scientist hooked up my mothers eggs and my fathers sperm to make a specific combination of genes. He did it to save my sister's life.
母女情深 LOL (Laughing Out Loud) ® (2008)
母女情深 LOL (Laughing Out Loud) ® (2008)
导演: 丽萨·阿祖洛斯
编剧: 丽萨·阿祖洛斯
主演: 苏菲·玛索 / 克丽丝塔·特瑞特 / 杰瑞米·卡彭 / Marion Chabassol
制片国家/地区: 法国
语言: 法语
上映日期: 2008-10-27
和许多处于青春期的少女一样,罗拉(克丽丝塔·特瑞特 Christa Theret 饰)觉得自己的生活纠结成了一团乱麻。不仅仅是男友亚瑟(菲利克斯·穆阿提 Félix Moati 饰)的三心二意让她十分愤怒,她和母亲安娜(苏菲·玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)之间的问题也似乎永远都得不到解决。然而,对于安娜来说,独自抚养一个个性叛逆而倔强的女儿究竟有多么辛苦只有她自己心里清楚,同时,在渐渐变得冷漠而陌生的女儿面前,安娜又何尝不是一个初出茅庐的“初学者”呢。好在事情的进展渐渐有了转机,在一连串的误解和矛盾中,母女二人之间的坚冰也在慢慢的溶解,当安娜和罗拉各自站在对方的角度来看待她们之间所发生的一切时,整个世界发生了翻天覆地的变化。
母女情深 LOL (Laughing Out Loud) ® (2008)
Movie Info:
LOL (Laughing Out Loud) is a 2008 French comedy film directed by Lisa Azuelos and starring Sophie Marceau, Christa Theret, and Alexandre Astier. Written by Azuelos and Delgado Nans, the film is about a teenage girl whose life is split between her studies in a prestigious Parisian high school, her secret diary, her friends, boyfriends, her divorced parents, drugs, and sexuality. For her performance in the film, Sophie Marceau won the Monte-Carlo Comedy Film Festival Jury Prize for Best Actress in 2008. Christa Theret received a César Award Nomination for Most Promising Actress in 2010. The letters "LOL" mean "laughing out loud" in text language.