美国女子花重金整容 只为自拍照能更美
2014-04-30 13:08
A social media-obsessed Los Angeles woman who was unhappy with her looks had plastic surgery to look hotter in her online pics.
Skype and Facebook-obsessed Triana Lavey, 39, might once have used virtual nip and tuck apps like Photoshop, but the talent agent went further with $15,000 worth of chin and nose surgery, fat grafting and Botox injections.
She told ABC's "Nightline" show, "Social media has really changed so much about how we look at ourselves and judge ourselves.
"Ten years ago, I don't think I even noticed that I had a weak chin," she said.
"I now have the face that I always thought that I had. I look like myself, not Photoshopped."
She added later, "Your selfie is your headshot, so you can reinvent yourself every day with simply your iPhone."
“It’s a legitimate form of promoting yourself,” she said.
“这是一种督促自己越来越美的合理方法。” 她说。
A survey published on Media Bistro according to Huffington Post revealed that more than a million selfies are taken daily and nearly 40% admit altering them for the better.
据《赫芬顿邮报》报道,一项发布在Media Bistro网站上的调查报告表明,每天有百万多人拍摄自拍照、其中近40%的人承认自拍照让自己不停地追求更美。