7. Did Mel Weinberg's wife really confront his mistress?
7. 梅尔·温伯格的妻子真的和他的情妇见面了吗?

Yes, although it didn't happen quite like it does in the film, nor did it happen in a ladies' room. In the movie, we see Irving Rosenfeld's wife Rosalyn (Jennifer Lawrence) confront his mistress Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams) in a heated blow-up that nearly becomes a catfight. In real life, Mel Weinberg's wife Marie grew suspicious, and she went to the condo that he told her he had been providing for a official from England named Sir Robert Gordon. She discovered he was lying and confronted his English-born mistress Evelyn Knight.

8. What happened to Mel Weinberg's wife in real life?
8. 现实生活中梅尔·温伯格的妻子身上发生了什么事?

On January 28, 1982, Marie Weinberg's body was found on the staircase of a vacant condominium next to her own in Tequesta Hills, Florida. She had committed suicide by hanging herself after drinking alcohol with a depressant. A note discovered on the kitchen table read, "My sin was wanting to love and be loved, nothing more. But a campaign is being made by Mel to discredit me. I haven't the strength to fight him anymore.... Everything I have attested to is the truth."

It was only a few months prior that she had discovered her husband's mistress, Evelyn Knight, after which Marie had demanded a divorce from Mel. She also claimed that he had taken $45,000 in payoffs from one Abscam defendant and accepted gifts from middlemen, subsequently giving away expensive suits and furniture to FBI agents. Not long before her death, she showed an interviewer one such gift, a microwave of which she said Mel had filed off the serial number. Mayor Angelo Errichetti claims to have given Mel the microwave (as depicted in the movie). Marie's allegations tarnished Weinberg's image with regard to his involvement in the Abscam sting.