阿甘正传 Forrest Gump (1994)
阿甘正传 Forrest Gump (1994)
导演: 罗伯特·泽米吉斯
编剧: 艾瑞克·罗斯 / Winston Groom
主演: 汤姆·汉克斯 / 罗宾·怀特 / 加里·西尼斯 / 麦凯尔泰·威廉逊 / 莎莉·菲尔德 / Michael Conner Humphreys / 海利·乔·奥斯蒙
类型: 剧情 / 爱情
语言: 英语
上映日期: 1994-07-06
阿甘(汤姆·汉克斯 饰)于二战结束后不久出生在美国南方阿拉巴马州一个闭塞的小镇,他先天弱智,智商只有75,然而他的妈妈是一个性格坚强的女性,她常常鼓励阿甘“傻人有傻福”,要他自强不息。 阿甘像普通孩子一样上学,并且认识了一生的朋友和至爱珍妮(罗宾·莱特·潘 饰),在珍妮和妈妈的爱护下,阿甘凭着上帝赐予的“飞毛腿”开始了一生不停的奔跑。阿甘成为橄榄球巨星、越战英雄、乒乓球外交使者、亿万富翁,但是,他始终忘不了珍妮,几次匆匆的相聚和离别,更是加深了阿甘的思念。 有一天,阿甘收到珍妮的信,他们终于又要见面……
阿甘正传 Forrest Gump (1994)
Forrest Gump: Hello. My name is Forrest. Forrest Gump.
Forrest Gump: Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.
Drill Sergeant: Gump! What's your sole purpose in this army?
Forrest Gump: To do whatever you tell me, Drill Sergeant.
Drill Sergeant: Goddammit Gump, you're a Goddamn genius. That's the most outstanding answer I've ever heard. You must have a goddamn I.Q. of a hundred and sixty. You are goddamn gifted, Private Gump.
肖申克的救赎 The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
肖申克的救赎 The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
导演: 弗兰克·德拉邦特
编剧: 弗兰克·德拉邦特 / 斯蒂芬·金
主演: 蒂姆·罗宾斯 / 摩根·弗里曼 / 鲍勃·冈顿 / 威廉姆·赛德勒 / 克兰西·布朗
类型: 剧情 / 犯罪
语言: 英语
上映日期: 1994-09-23
20世纪40年代末,小有成就的青年银行家安迪(蒂姆·罗宾斯 Tim Robbins 饰)因涉嫌杀害妻子及她的情人而锒铛入狱。在这座名为肖申克的监狱内,希望似乎虚无缥缈,终身监禁的惩罚无疑注定了安迪接下来灰暗绝望的人生。未过多久,安迪尝试接近囚犯中颇有声望的瑞德(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰),请求对方帮自己搞来小锤子。以此为契机,二人逐渐熟稔,安迪也仿佛在鱼龙混杂、罪恶横生、黑白混淆的牢狱中找到属于自己的求生之道。他利用自身的专业知识,帮助监狱管理层逃税、洗黑钱,同时凭借与瑞德的交往在犯人中间也渐渐受到礼遇。表面看来,他已如瑞德那样对那堵高墙从憎恨转变为处之泰然,但是对自由的渴望仍促使他朝着心中的希望和目标前进。而关于其罪行的真相,似乎更使这一切朝前推进了一步……
肖申克的救赎 The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Andy Dufresne: Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.
Ellis Boy "Red" Redding: I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice. But, still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they are gone. I guess I just miss my friend.
低俗小说 Pulp Fiction (1994)
低俗小说 Pulp Fiction (1994)
导演: 昆汀·塔伦蒂诺
编剧: 昆汀·塔伦蒂诺 / 罗杰·阿夫瑞
主演: 乌玛·瑟曼 / 塞缪尔·杰克逊 / 约翰·特拉沃尔塔 / 蒂姆·罗斯 / 布鲁斯·威利斯
类型: 剧情 / 惊悚 / 犯罪
语言: 英语 / 西班牙语 / 法语
上映日期: 1994-10-14
《低俗小说》由“文森特和马沙的妻子”、“金表”、“邦妮的处境”三个故事以及影片首尾的序幕和尾声五个部分组成。看似独立的小故事里面,却又有环环相扣的人和事。 盗贼“小南瓜”和“小兔子”在早餐店里打劫,却遇上了天大的麻烦——黑社会成员朱尔斯(塞缪尔•杰克逊Samuel L. Jackson饰)和文森特(约翰•特拉沃尔塔John Travolta饰)在店内用餐,可谓天外有天。二人是否会放过两名小盗贼? 而文森特是黑社会大哥马沙•华莱士(文•瑞姆斯Ving Rhames饰)的手下,马沙下命令让他陪妻子一个晚上,明知如有雷池必死无疑,但面对马沙妻子美艳诱惑,文森特该怎么办。文森特的故事还没完,拳击手布奇(布鲁斯•威利斯Bruce Willis饰)的出现将令他的人生从此改变。布奇有一块祖传金表,就是因为这块金表,他和马沙分享了一个耻辱的秘密。 故事环状结构,回到开端。朱尔斯在小盗贼面前诵读圣经,表示对杀人的厌倦和感悟。什么事件令他如此转变?“邦妮的处境”中就有答案。
低俗小说 Pulp Fiction (1994)
Jules Winnfield: The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee.
Jules Winnfield: Normally, both your asses would be dead as fucking fried chicken, but you happen to pull this shit while I'm in a transitional period so I don't wanna kill you, I wanna help you. But I can't give you this case, it don't belong to me. Besides, I've already been through too much shit this morning over this case to hand it over to your dumb ass.
这个杀手不太冷 Léon (1994)
这个杀手不太冷 Léon (1994)
导演: 吕克·贝松
编剧: 吕克·贝松
主演: 让·雷诺 / 娜塔丽·波曼 / 加里·奥德曼 / 丹尼·爱罗 / 麦温·勒·贝斯柯
类型: 剧情 / 惊悚 / 犯罪
语言: 英语
上映日期: 1994-09-14
昂(让•雷诺饰)是名孤独的职业杀手,受人雇佣。一天,邻居家小姑娘马蒂尔达(纳塔丽•波特曼饰)敲开他的房门,要求在他那里暂避杀身之祸。原来邻居家的主人是警方缉毒组的眼线,只因贪污了一小包毒品而遭恶警(加里•奥德曼饰)杀害全家的惩罚。马蒂尔达得到里昂的留救,幸免于难,并留在里昂那里。里昂教小女孩使枪,她教里昂法文,两人关系日趋亲密,相处融洽。 女孩想着去报仇,反倒被抓,里昂及时赶到,将女孩救回。混杂着哀怨情仇的正邪之战渐次升级,更大的冲突在所难免……
这个杀手不太冷 Léon (1994)
Mathilda: Is life always this hard, or is it just when you're a kid?
Leon: Always like this
Mathilda: I hope you're not lying Leon. I really hope that deep down there's no love in you. And if there is, I think in a few minutes you'll regret you never said anything. I love you Leon.
Mathilda: I don't wanna lose you, Leon.
Leon: You're not going to lose me. You've given me a taste for life. I wanna be happy. Sleep in a bed, have roots. And you'll never be alone again, Mathilda.
夜访吸血鬼 Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994)
夜访吸血鬼 Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994)
导演: 尼尔·乔丹
编剧: 安妮·莱斯
主演: 布拉德·皮特 / 汤姆·克鲁斯 / 克斯汀·邓斯特 / 安东尼奥·班德拉斯 / 桑迪·牛顿 / 克里斯汀·史莱特
类型: 爱情 / 恐怖
语言: 英语
上映日期: 1994-11-11
18世纪的路易斯安娜州,丧失妻女痛不欲生的庄园主路易(布拉德·皮特 饰)遇上了吸血鬼莱斯塔特(汤姆·克鲁斯 饰),被其施法变成吸血鬼。路易心存人性,不愿意吸血杀人,靠吸食动物的血为生,而莱斯塔特则一心要把路易斯教导成一个真正的吸血同类。在新奥尔良,路易禁不起诱惑吸了小女孩克萝迪娅(克尔斯滕·邓斯特 饰)的血,而莱斯塔特则不顾路易斯的反对把克萝迪娅也变成了吸血鬼。三个人组成了一个奇特的家庭。几十年过去了,克萝迪娅开始怨恨莱斯塔特剥夺了他真正的人生,她设计杀死了莱斯塔特,和路易周游世界,过着既像父女、又像情人的生活,寻找同类,也寻找着自身存在的意义。在巴黎,他们遇上了以阿蒙(安东尼奥·班德拉斯 饰)为首的一群吸血鬼,聚居在剧院地下,过着和他们迥然不同的生活,阿蒙给了路易许多教导,想成为路易的新伙伴,为此,路易和克萝迪娅之间出现了裂痕,最终,酿成了无可挽回的悲剧。1988年,路易斯返回了新奥尔良,向一个年轻记者马洛伊(克里斯琴·斯莱特 饰)讲述了自己的经历,讲述了吸血鬼长生不死背后的哀伤,不料,马洛伊在听完之后却被深深地吸引,一个新的吸血鬼的故事,将由此开始。
夜访吸血鬼 Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994)
That morning I was not yet a vampire, and I saw my last sunrise. I remember it completely, and yet I can't recall any before it. I watched the whole magnificence of the dawn for the last time as if it were the first. And then I said farewell to sunlight, and set out to become what I became.
I'm flesh and blood, but not human. I haven't been human for 200 years. Please, how shall I put you at ease? Shall we begin like David Copperfield? 'I am born...I grew up.' Or shall we begin when I was born to darkness, as I call it? That's really where we should start, don't you think?...1791 was the year it happened. I was 24. Younger than you are now. But times were different then. I was a man at that age. The master of a large plantation, just south of New Orleans. I had lost my wife in childbirth. She and the infant had been buried less than half a year. I would've been happy to join them. I couldn't bear the pain of their loss. I longed to be released from it. I wanted to lose it all: my wealth, my estate, my sanity....Most of all, I longed for death. I know that now. I invited it. A release from the pain of living. My invitation was open to anyone. To the whore at my side. To the pimp that followed. But it was a vampire that accepted.
燃情岁月 Legends of the Fall (1994)
燃情岁月 Legends of the Fall (1994)
导演: 爱德华·兹威克
编剧: William D. Wittliff / Susan Shilliday
主演: 安东尼·霍普金斯 / 布拉德·皮特 / 朱莉娅·奥蒙德 / 艾丹·奎因 / 卡琳娜·隆巴德 / 亨利·托马斯
类型: 剧情 / 爱情 / 家庭 / 战争 / 西部
语言: 英语
上映日期: 1994-12-16(美国)
辽阔的西部草原住着一位父亲和他的三个儿子——父亲是退了休的骑兵上校,三个儿子个性鲜明:大儿子艾尔弗莱德(艾丹•奎因 Aidan Quinn 饰)忠厚老实,二儿子特里斯坦(布拉德•皮特 Brad Pitt 饰)狂放不羁,最小的儿子塞缪尔(亨瑞•托马斯Henry Thomas饰)温文尔雅。父子在大草原的生活随着塞缪尔未婚妻苏珊娜(朱莉娅•奥蒙德 Julia Ormond 饰)的到来而改变。苏珊娜年轻漂亮,给艾尔弗莱德带来了内心的震动。他暗恋她,然而苏珊娜心里却不由自主的迷恋上豪放粗犷的特里斯坦。出于道德的坚守,他们一直压抑着内心的感情。直到塞缪尔壮烈牺牲在前线,事情有了变化。特里斯坦非常爱戴哥哥,无法面对已经爱上苏珊娜的现实,于是离家出走。而苏珊娜万念俱灰,答应嫁给了艾尔弗莱德,而特里斯坦在草原之外也已结婚生子。事情好像趋于了平静,但特里斯坦妻子的亡故又令事情有了波澜。
燃情岁月 Legends of the Fall (1994)
It's hard to tell of happiness, time goes by and we feel safe too soon.
Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness. And they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy... or they become legends.
I followed all of the rules, man's and God's. And you, you followed none of them. And they all loved you more. Samuel, Father, and my... even my own wife.
Because you love her I will forgive you for that, once. ONCE! But you say that again and we are not brothers.
Forever turned out to be too long
四个婚礼和一个葬礼 Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)
四个婚礼和一个葬礼 Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)
导演: 迈克·内威尔
编剧: 理查德·柯蒂斯
主演: 休·格兰特 / 安迪·麦克道威尔 / 西蒙·卡洛 / James Fleet / 克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯 / 约翰·汉纳
类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情
语言: 英语 / 英语手语
上映日期: 1994-03-09
四个婚礼和一个葬礼 Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)
Matthew: Gareth used to prefer funerals to weddings. He said it was easier to get enthusiastic about a ceremony one had an outside chance of eventually being involved in. In order to prepare this speech, I rang a few people, to get a general picture of how Gareth was regarded by those who met him. Fat seems to be a word people most connected with him. Terribly rude also rang a lot of bells. So very fat and very rude seems to have been a stranger's viewpoint. On the other hand, some of you have been kind enough to ring me to tell me that you loved him, which I know he'd be thrilled to hear. You remember his fabulous hospitality... his strange experimental cooking. The recipe for "Duck à la Banana" fortunately goes with him to his grave. Most of all, you tell me of his enormous capacity for joy. When joyful, when joyful for highly vocal drunkenness. But joyful is how I hope you'll remember him. Not stuck in a box in a church.
真实的谎言 True Lies (1994)
真实的谎言 True Lies (1994)
导演: 詹姆斯·卡梅隆
编剧: 克劳德·吉迪 / Simon Michaël
主演: 阿诺·施瓦辛格 / 杰米·李·柯蒂斯 / 汤姆·阿诺德 / 比尔·帕克斯顿 / 查尔登·海斯顿 / 艾丽莎·杜什库
类型: 动作 / 惊悚
语言: 英语 / 德语 / 阿拉伯语 / 法语
上映日期: 1994-07-15
哈里(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)是美国FBI的高级特工,他正在奉命调查一起跨国核武器走私案件。出于安全考虑,哈里连结婚15年的妻子海伦(杰米•李•柯蒂斯 Jamie Lee Curtis 饰)都没有告诉他的真实身份。海伦是一名普通白领,平凡的生活已令她心生厌倦。一次,汽车商西蒙假扮FBI特工,溜到海伦家谎称自己被人追杀。紧张刺激的经历很快令海伦着迷。这一切都没有逃过真正的FBI特工哈里眼睛。哈里利用间谍侦查手段令到西蒙洋相百出,并化妆成法国人正欲调戏海伦时,被恐怖分子突然袭击,两人被挟持到一个热带小岛。哈里和海伦最终能否逃出生天,挫败恐怖分子阴谋?
真实的谎言 True Lies (1994)