Frank Marshall who began collaboration with Steven Spielberg as a producer for Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) confirmed that the plan is still to have a fourth Jurassic Park film in theaters in two years.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes writers Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver have been recently hired to pen the fourth dino-riffic film. Producer Marshall told Collider that it’s definitely a sequel, and even though Spielberg won’t be directing, he’ll be heavily involved in the process.
They’re reportedly aiming for a summer release since it’s a ‘popcorn movie.’ Undoubtedly, advances in visual effects technology that have been made in recent years are an important factor that will benefit the project.
It’s definitely going to be interesting to find the answer who is brought on board to direct the Jurassic Park 4. An idea of what the story for the follow-up will be can come from anywhere.
沪江娱乐快讯:自1981年《夺宝奇兵》(Raiders of the Lost Ark)开始,就与大导演史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格( Steven Spielberg)一起合作的制片人 弗兰克·马歇尔( Frank Marshall)日前为恐龙迷们带来了个好消息,第四部《侏罗纪公园》( Jurassic Park)有望在两年内上映。
《猩球崛起》(Rise of the Planet of the Apes)的编剧里克·杰法 (Rick Jaffa)和阿曼达·斯尔沃 (Amanda Silver)将担任本片编剧。制片人 弗兰克·马歇尔日前对collider网站说,虽然史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格不会执导本片,但他将全程参与本片的制作。而本片也会是前三集的延续。