In the highly unusual casting, Ashley Tisdale (best known as Sharpay Evans from the iconic Disney TV movie High School Musical) will play high-priced escort Emma Jean in a two-episode arc on the upcoming fifth season of Sons of Anarchy. Her character will cause problems for the motorcycle club.
该剧的演员选择可谓不循常轨。在迪士尼的电影大作《歌舞青春》中以夏培·伊万斯(Sharpay Evans)一角成名的阿什丽·提斯代尔(Ashley Tisdale)会在《混乱之子》的第五季中,出演扮演一位要价颇高的女保镖艾玛·琼(Emma Jean),时间跨度为两集。这一角色对摩托车俱乐部来说可是个麻烦。
Sons of Anarchy has also cast Billy Brown in a major recurring role for the new season as August Marks, the right-hand man to Harold Perrineau's gang leader Damon Pope. Brown recently starred on Showtime's Dexter as the new detective Mike Anderson. He also starred on FX's short-lived Lights Out as boxer Death Row Reynolds.
《混乱之子》还将邀请比利·布朗(Billy Brown)出演流氓团伙头子达蒙·波普(Damon Pope)的得力助手奥古斯特·马克斯(August Marks),这是一位将在剧中反复出现的角色。达蒙·波普将由哈罗·佩里纽(Harold Perrineau)扮演,他曾在《迷失》(Lost)中出镜。布朗最近在Showtime电视台的《嗜血法医》(Dexter)中饰演了一位名叫麦克·安德森(Mike Anderson)的侦探。他还曾在FX制作的电视剧《余光》(Lights Out)中扮演人称“死亡禁区(Death Row)”的拳击手雷诺(Reynolds)。