又是一年清明时节,春回大地,万物复苏,着实是出门踏青旅行的好季节。身居喧嚣城市的我们也许无法说走就走,那就让我们先跟随电影,做一次“身未动,心已远”的旅行!Let's hit the road!
By William Blake
Sound the flute!
Now it's mute!
Bird's delight,
Day and night,
In the dale,
Lark in sky,--
Merrily, merrily, to welcome in the year.
Little boy,
Full of joy;
Little girl,
Sweet and small;
Cock does crow,
So do you;
Merry voice,
Infant noise;
Merrily, merrily, to welcome in the year.
Little lamb,
Here I am;
Come and lick
My white neck;
Let me pull
Your soft wool;
Let me kiss
Your soft face;
Merrily, merrily, to welcome in the year.
罗马假日 Roman Holiday (1953)
导演: 威廉·惠勒
编剧: Ian McLellan Hunter / John Dighton
主演: 奥黛丽·赫本 / 格利高里·派克 / 埃迪·艾伯特 / Hartley Power / Harcourt Williams
类型: 喜剧 / 剧情 / 爱情
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语 / 意大利语
上映日期: 1953-08-27
Reporter: Which of the cities visited did Your Highness enjoy the most?
General Provno: [prompting] Each, in its own way...
Princess Ann: Each, in its own way, was unforgettable. It would be difficult to - Rome! By all means, Rome. I will cherish my visit here in memory as long as I live.
Joe Bradley: Say, you know, you were great back there.
Princess Ann: You weren't so bad yourself.
Joe Bradley: [kisses her] Well... I guess we'd better get Irving's car and get out of here.
Joe Bradley: Irving! Am I glad to see you!
Irving Radovich: Why? Did you forget your wallet?
美食、祈祷和恋爱 Eat Pray Love (2010)
导演: 瑞恩·墨菲
编剧: 瑞恩·墨菲 / 詹妮弗·绍特
主演: 朱莉娅·罗伯茨 / 哈维尔·巴登 / 詹姆斯·弗兰科 / 比利·克鲁德普 / 理查·詹金斯
类型: 剧情 / 爱情
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2010-08-13
年轻干练的伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特(Julia Roberts 饰)是《纽约时报》的一名人气作家,她经常周游世界,撰写相关的旅游文章。她的生活同样令人欣羡,身为律师的丈夫史蒂芬(Billy Crudup 饰)帅气潇洒、气质不凡;饮食无忧、优哉安乐。然而伊丽莎白却渐渐感到空虚和恐慌,似乎着周遭的一切都不是她真正追求的。伊丽莎白决定走出变质的婚姻,寻找自我。在漫长的离婚拉锯战后,她踏上了周游世界的旅途,在美食、祈祷和恋爱中,认真地思考人生的种种……
Liz Gilbert: I'm sick of people telling me that I need a man.
Felipe: You don't need a man, Liz. You need a champion.
DELIA: You know what, this happens to people, they fall in love in their 20s, get married,do the granite countertop, white-picket fence in their 30s, and somewhere they realize, "this is not for me anymore." So they fail and they fall down, they hurt like hell, they straighten up and march their arses to the shrink's office. They can't just check out.
LIZ: I am not checking out. I need to change.
爱在黎明破晓前 Before Sunrise (1995)
导演: 理查德·林克莱特
编剧: 理查德·林克莱特 / Kim Krizan
主演: 伊桑·霍克 / 朱莉·德尔佩
类型: 剧情 / 爱情
上映日期: 1995-01-27(美国)
美国青年杰西(Ethan Hawke 饰)在火车上偶遇了法国女学生塞琳娜(Julie Delpy 饰),两人在火车上交谈甚欢。当火车到达维也纳时,杰西盛情邀请塞琳娜一起在维也纳游览一番,即使杰西翌日便要坐飞机离开。与杰西一见钟情的塞琳娜接受了杰西的邀请。
他们一边游览城市,一边谈论着彼此的过去 ,彼此对生活的感想,两人了解越加深刻。他们非常珍惜这美妙的晚上,这对恋人一起经历了很多浪漫的经历因为他们约定在半年后再见,而此次约会将会在日出之间结束……
Celine: I believe if there's any kind of God it wouldn't be in any of us, not you or me but just this little space in between. If there's any kind of magic in this world it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing something. I know, it's almost impossible to succeed but who cares really? The answer must be in the attempt.
Jesse: Sometimes I dream about being a good father and a good husband. And sometimes it feels really close. But then other times it seems silly like it would ruin my whole life. And it's not just a fear of commitment or that I'm incapable of caring or loving because... I can. It's just that, if I'm totally honest with myself I think I'd rather die knowing that I was really good at something. That I had excelled in some way than that I'd just been in a nice, caring relationship.
蓝莓之夜 My Blueberry Nights (2007)
导演: 王家卫
编剧: 王家卫 / 劳伦斯·布洛克
主演: 诺拉·琼斯 / 裘德·洛 / 娜塔丽·波特曼 / 蕾切尔·薇兹 / 大卫·斯特雷泽恩
类型: 剧情 / 爱情
语言: 英語
上映日期: 2007-12-22
Elizabeth: So what's wrong with the Blueberry Pie?
Jeremy: There's nothing wrong with the Blueberry Pie, just people make other choices. You can't blame the Blueberry Pie, it's just... no one wants it.
Elizabeth: Wait! I want a piece.
Elizabeth: The last few days, I've been learning not to trust people and I'm glad I've failed. Sometimes we depend on other people as a mirror to define us and tell us who we are and each reflection makes me like myself a little more.
荒野生存 Into the Wild (2007)
导演: 西恩·潘
编剧: 西恩·潘
主演: 埃米尔·赫斯基 / 马西娅·盖伊·哈登 / 克里斯汀·斯图尔特 / 文斯·沃恩 / 吉娜·马隆
类型: 冒险 / 传记 / 剧情
语言: 英语 / 丹麦语
上映日期: 2007-09-21
克里斯托弗(埃米尔•赫斯基 饰)家境优渥,是亚特兰大私立名校艾莫里的优等生,前程似锦。但是,他从学校毕业后,选择了截然不同的人生,放弃令人羡慕的工作,把存款捐给慈善机构,去阿拉斯加寻找自我。在家人的劝阻声中,他踏上了回归自然的慢慢长路,成为名副其实的流浪者。
Ron Franz: I'm going to miss you when you go.
Christopher McCandless: I will miss you too, but you are wrong if you think that the joy of life comes principally from the joy of human relationships. God's place is all around us, it is in everything and in anything we can experience. People just need to change the way they look at things.
Ron Franz: Yeah. I am going to take stock of that. You know I am. I want to tell you something. From bits and pieces of what you have told me about your family, your mother and your dad... And I know you have problems with the church too... But there is some kind of bigger thing that we can all appreciate and it sounds to me you don't mind calling it God. But when you forgive, you love. And when you love, God's light shines through you.
恋爱假期 The Holiday (2006)
导演: 南希·迈耶斯
编剧: 南希·迈耶斯
主演: 卡梅隆·迪亚茨 / 凯特·温丝莱特 / 裘德·洛 / 杰克·布莱克 / 埃里·瓦拉赫 / 达斯汀·霍夫曼 / 琳赛·露安
类型: 喜剧 / 爱情
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2006-12-08
爱丽斯(Kate Winslet饰)住在英国伦敦的乡村,而阿曼达(Cameron Diaz饰)则是洛杉矶的美国丽人。她们在天南地北的两端,却遇上了同样的问题:在感情上遭受了挫败,令生活灰暗无光。二人在网上聊天,商议在圣诞节到来之前,到对方的环境去生活,交互双方的住所作为度假场地。于是,一场令人兴奋的旅行开始了。爱丽斯来到美国大都市,阿曼达则乘班机前往极具英伦情调的英国乡村。除了新鲜的生活环境,当地男生的魅力更让她们猝不及防。
Iris: It doesn't matter how many new haircuts you get, or gyms you join, or how many glasses of chardonnay you drink with your girlfriends... you still go to bed every night going over every detail and wonder what you did wrong or how you could have misunderstood. and how in the hell for that brief moment you could think that you were that happy. And sometimes you can even convince yourself that he'll see the light and show up at your door. And after all that, however long all that may be, you'll go somewhere new. and you'll meet people who make you feel worthwhile again. And little peices of your soul will finally come back. And all that fuzzy stuff, those years of your life that you wasted, that will eventually begin to fade.
5. 摩托日记
摩托日记 Diarios de motocicleta (2004)
主演: 盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔 / 罗德里格·德拉·塞纳 / 梅赛黛斯·莫朗
类型: 冒险 / 传记 / 剧情
语言: 奇楚亚语 / 西班牙语
电影讲述了一次南美旅程如何激发了切格瓦拉全新的世界观,使得革命热情开始在他心中萌芽生长。格瓦拉( Gael García Bernal 饰)当年23岁,意气风发,踌躇满怀,是一个医学院的学生。他对外面的世界抱有强烈的好奇心,于是和朋友艾伯特踏上了拉丁美洲的长长一串旅途中。他们骑上摩托车,风驰电掣的出发了,却不料摩托车很快就报了废。但这却一点没有影响年轻人的激情,二人靠搭便车来完成剩下的旅程。穿过拉丁美洲古老的文明遗址,穿梭于各个国家各色人群中间,他们开始真切感受到社会的真相、生活的苦难。当深入到亚马逊河流域的麻风病人区时,他们被所见所闻深深震撼。切格瓦拉开始思考宏大深奥的命题:人类、社会、经济、文明,人类的苦难、快乐的定义……
5. 摩托日记
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: Even though we are too insignificant to be spokesmen for such a noble cause, we believe, and this journey has only confirmed this belief, that the division of American into unstable and illusory nations is a complete fiction. We are one single mestizo race from Mexico to the Magellan Straits. And so, in an attempt to free ourselves from narrow minded provincialism, I propose a toast to Peru and to a united America.
斯卡尼艳阳下 Under the Tuscan Sun (2003)
导演: 奥黛丽·威尔斯
编剧: 奥黛丽·威尔斯
主演: 戴安·琳恩 / 雷欧·波瓦 / 吴珊卓 / 琳赛·邓肯 / Vincent Riotta
类型: 喜剧 / 剧情 / 爱情
语言: 英语 / 意大利语 / 波兰语 / 法语 / 西班牙语 / 德语
上映日期: 2003-09-20
婚姻失败对于已经三十多岁的女作家法兰西斯(Diane Lane饰)来说,是一个很残酷的打击。幸亏朋友体贴窝心,专程安排她到意大利托斯卡尼去旅行一趟。想不到,托斯卡尼这个美丽得令人窒息的城市,竟然改变了法兰西斯的后半生。
Frances: Do you know the most surprising thing about divorce? It doesn't actually kill you. Like a bullet to the heart or a head-on car wreck. It should. When someone you've promised to cherish till death do you part says "I never loved you," it should kill you instantly. You shouldn't have to wake up day after day after that, trying to understand how in the world you didn't know. The light just never went on, you know. I must have known, of course, but I was too scared to see the truth. Then fear just makes you so stupid.
欧洲性旅行 EuroTrip (2004)
导演: Jeff Schaffer
编剧: Alec Berg / David Mandel
主演: 斯科特·麦克洛维茨 / 雅各布·皮特斯 / 米歇尔·崔切伯格 / 克斯汀·克鲁克 / 马特·达蒙
类型: 冒险 / 喜剧
语言: 英语 / 法语 / 德语 / 意大利语 / 日语
上映日期: 2004-02-20
美国男孩斯考迪(Scott Mechlowicz 饰)在德国网友米克(Jessica Bohrs 饰)的帮助下,德语成绩大有进步,学习飞越然后高中毕业的他却迎来了被女朋友甩的倒霉事,沦为朋友库柏(Jacob Pitts 饰)的笑柄。
Scott: So, have you guys decided where you wanna go first?
Jenny: Paris! I heard two years ago, Nicky Jager's sister, Debbie, met this wealthy French guy, and spent a month sailing the Mediterranean on his yacht. Isn't that just the most romantic thing you've ever heard?
Cooper: Stuck on a boat with a weird French guy? That sounds a little gay.
Jenny: It's not gay. I'm a girl.
Scott: Kinda gay.
Cooper: A little gay.
Candy: Is it off yet?
Cooper: Fine, I'll do it.
伊丽莎白镇 Elizabethtown (2005)
导演: 卡梅伦·克罗
编剧: 卡梅伦·克罗
主演: 奥兰多·布鲁姆 / 克斯汀·邓斯特 / 苏珊·萨兰登 / 亚历克·鲍德温 / 杰西卡·贝尔
类型: 喜剧 / 剧情 / 爱情
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2005-10-14
德鲁(Orlando Bloom饰)陷入了人生的谷底期,他为公司带来了数亿元的损失,逃不过被老板炒鱿、被女友甩掉的命运。万念俱灰中,他设计了一系列完美却又搞笑的自杀计划,企图一死了之。一串电话铃声,中止了他的自杀进程——父亲的死讯给德鲁带来了迫在眉睫的任务,他必须尽快回到遥远的伊丽莎白镇去处理后事。
于是,接下来的事情就像一连串奇妙的隐喻,让德鲁从谷底里重新看到希望。他在飞机上遇见空姐克莱尔(Kirsten Dunst饰),她美丽大方,善解人意,总是在德鲁最寂寞低落的时候给予窝心的慰藉。而德鲁的母亲,虽然总是神经兮兮,对生活的热忱和乐观却深深感染了儿子。在爱情和亲情的温泽下,德鲁渐渐重拾生活的信心日渐坚壮,带他走出生命低谷。
Drew Baylor: There's a diffrence between a failure and a fiasco. A failure is merely the absence of success. Any fool can achieve failure. But a fiasco, a fiasco is a disaster of epic propotions. A fiasco is a folk tale told to other's to make other people feel more alive because it didn't happen to them.
Claire Colburn: So you failed. Alright you really failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You think I care about that? I do understand. You wanna be really great? Then have the courage to fail big and stick around. Make them wonder why you're still smiling.