Kim Bertrand
Harvard School of Public Health
Ijad Madisch
校稿 reallyyan
翻译 xzc1987
组长 ilmalfoy
"The scientific literature is so huge at this point, that it's really impossible to get through, you know, everything in your topic area. People really rely on hearing it from other people." But not every ResearchGate user is pleased with the networking. "I'm not really seeing the value of this." …
“如今科学文献浩如烟海,你也不可能通读专业领域内的所有文献。因此人们依赖于从他人那里获得信息。” 但是,并不是每位“研究之窗”的用户都喜欢它的网络交友功能。 来自哈佛公共卫生学院的流行病学家金•伯特兰讲到:“我并不看好这个东西。有时,我会收到一些类似这样的邮件,先生,您好,我正在撰写一篇关于公共卫生…