P.S. 口语重复部分也要听写。
What's Donnie like? Donnie, oh, he's amazing. 'Cause he is, he is, I think the most, the most deep memory for me about him is the way and the face when he is working as a director, the action director. Sitting in front of the camera and talking aloud, you can hear his voice everywhere. But he is so high-demanding. You know, so that's why the movie is amazing. Is he a perfectist? Does that mean, does that mean the acting process is very difficult or...? Yeah, yeah, yeah, he is, he is. And also the way he worked with me as an actor is totally different. He's so, makes me feel safe, and I can, I can trust him. Yes, so different, so different feeling when he is an actor, as an actor and as a director. It's different. It's so interesting.
甄子丹是个怎样的人呢? 甄子丹,恩,他非常棒。我印象最深刻的就是他在做武术指导时候的样子、表情。坐在摄像机前,大声的说话,在片场里到处都能听到他的声音。他也是个高要求的人,这也是为什么电影会那么成功的原因所在。 他是一个完美主义者吗?拍摄过程非常困难或是怎样呢? 恩,是的,他是个完美主义者。当他处在一个演员的角色与我合作的时候又是完全的不同了。他给人以安全感以及信任感。有趣的是,他作为一个演员和一个导演时候的感觉是完全不同的。