Kate Middleton
The Weather Channel
William & Kate
Andrea Press
Prince Charles
Princess Diana
校稿 Season111
翻译 wanshu819
组长 lisa1128
American TV morning shows and 24-hour news channels make it seem as though Americans can't get enough of the royal affair. But Americans in the capital, Washington, seem to have mixed feelings. "I haven't really paid attention to it. There's other things going on that seem to be more important than…
美国早间电视节目和24小时新闻频道每天无休止向普罗大众发布英王室消息以满足民众的好奇心,但是在首都华盛顿的人们对此似乎并没有那么的专注。 “我并没有真的很关注这件事。还有别的比这更重要的事情需要做。” 但是无论如何,美国的媒体还是会给此次事件做头条报道。美国像ABC和CNN这样有领导力的电视台将会在伦敦获取…