Environmental Film Festival
Washington, D.C.
Shirley Griffith
"Terra Madre"
"Slow Food"
"Dirt! The Movie"
For 18 years, the Environmental Film Festival in Washington, D.C. has been bringing important movies to America's capital. This 13-day event is taking place at 56 museums, embassies and movie theaters around the city. Many of the 155 movies explore the connection between food and the environment. Sh…
18年来,在华盛顿举行的环境电影节为美国首都带来了许多重要的电影。这一13天的盛会将分别在56个博物馆、大使馆和市区电影院举行。155部电影中有许多是探索食品与环境之间的联系。雪莉•格里菲斯关于这方面的电影更多。 参加环境电影节最令人头痛的事情是决定去看哪些电影。今年电影的主题大多是食物,农业和饮食习惯。 比方…