
Boys and girls of Hogwarts, it's time to say goodbye to two of your finest Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers - that is Alan and David Thewlis last day on Harry Potter.
Robbie Coltrane, 2______ last day on Harry Potter.
One thing really really sad, 3_______ Bellatrix. She's been a friend to me.
A big thank you to...
I know I'll miss it. I know I'll miss friends. 5________
What do you think you're gonna miss the most?
I don't know. Just everyone, really, the people, this place, at Leavesden and 6_____. It's been about ten years, and yeah. I'm gonna miss, kinda, playing Ron.
I don't know, 7_________ We were the chosen one. Yeah, we were, yeah, very lucky.
I just wanna say I love this place. This has been my life and so it can be very very odd, I think for all of us, 8________ and thank you all very very much because you made(掌声太热烈了,实在没有听出来...)
We've worked together for so long. We are like a family. Each person's last day was quite emotional. finest gamekeeper in Hogwarts I've got very attached to We always knew we were coming back, and this time we knew we weren't. The people have been great. It's been intense. It's been really tough at times, but it's never not been fun. I wouldn't have missed it for the world. There'll never be a frame of any of these films that I don't look at and connect immediately to a memory. maybe just being Ron as well how do I put that into words? I mean what an incredible experience. I just feel so blessed that I was chosen, I was given the chance to experience all of this and have this be part of my life. because I don't know what my day-to-day life consists of without you, all of you. And it's wonderful, and I just want to say that I've loved every minute
我们在一起这么长时间,就像一家人一样。 每个人的最后一天大家都很动情。 霍格沃茨的孩子们,是和你们最后两位黑魔法防御课老师说再见的时候了。今天是Alan和David Thewlis在哈利波特片场的最后一天。 还有Robbie Coltrane,霍格沃茨最棒的猎场看守人。 我感到非常非常的难过。我十分依恋贝拉特里克斯这个角色,她已成为我的朋友。 我们总觉得自己还会回来,可是此刻,我们意识到,再也不会了。 大家都很棒。在这里很认真,有时真的很幸苦,但欢乐从未缺少过。 我知道我会想念这里,我会想念我的朋友们,他们绝不是这个影片中我不会去看的框架,我把他们直接存在记忆里。 你最想念的会是什么? 我不知道,就是每个人吧,真的。这里的一切,还有我扮演的罗恩。是啊,十年了,我会怀念演罗恩的这段时光。 我不知道,如何用语言表达呢?这是多么令人难以置信的经历,被选入这个剧组我感到很幸福,去获得这个机会,去经历这一切、让这些成为我生命的一部分。我们是不二人选,没错,我们是的。的确,非常幸运。 我只想说,我爱这里,这里已经融入我的生命。对于大家,我现在的感觉很奇怪,因为我不知道没有你们的生活会怎样,你们每个人都做的很好。我只想说,嗯,我爱这里的每一分每一秒,非常非常感谢大家因为你们... ——译文来自: amelie_cy