2011-10-17 17:24
1 桃子和李子
Researchers at Texas A&M found that plums and peaches have antioxidant levels to rival "superfood" blueberries -- and that they contain two types of polyphenols (antioxidants) that may help kill breast cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact.
2 核桃
In a study out of Marshall University School of Medicine in West Virginia, researchers substituted the equivalent of two ounces of walnuts per day into the diet of one group of mice; the other group was fed a calorically equivalent, but walnut-free, diet.
After 34 days, the growth rate of tumors in the walnut eaters was half that of the mice who ate no walnuts. Experts think walnuts' anti-inflammatory properties—may give them their tumor-fighting potential. Still, "walnuts can be part of a healthy diet that can reduce your risk for cancer," says lead researcher Elaine Hardman, Ph. D.
34天后,吃核桃的一组老鼠的肿瘤生长速度比不吃核桃那一组的老鼠慢一倍。专家认为核桃含有抗炎作用——能够抑制肿瘤生长。该实验组组长Elaine Hardman博士说:“核桃是能够降低罹患癌症风险的健康食品。”
3 花椰菜
Sulforaphane -- a compound in broccoli -- reduced the number of breast cancer stem cells (which cause cancer spread and recurrence) in mice, according to research from the University of Michigan.
Eating broccoli may not deliver enough sulforaphane to achieve the same effect, but to get the most you can, eat your broccoli raw or briefly steam or stir-fry the green florets.
4 鲑鱼
Taking fish-oil supplements for at least 10 years can shrink your risk of ductal carcinoma, the most common type of breast cancer, according to a study in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.
5 橄榄油
When researchers in Barcelona gave rats with breast cancer a diet in which fat came predominantly from extra-virgin olive oil (versus corn oil), they found that the olive oil's antioxidants and oleic acid (a mono-unsaturated fat) quelled growth of malignant cells.
6 荷兰芹
University of Missouri scientists found that this herb can actually inhibit cancer-cell growth.
Animals that were given apigenin, a compound abundant in parsley (and in celery), boosted their resistance to developing cancerous tumors. Experts recommend adding a couple pinches of minced fresh parsley to your dishes daily.
7 咖啡
Drinking about two 12-ounce coffees a day may lower your risk of an aggressive form of breast cancer, says a May 2011 study in Breast Cancer Research.
"One possibility is that coffee's antioxidants protect cells from damage that can lead to cancer," says study author Jingmei Li, Ph.D.
“一种可能性就是咖啡中含有的抗氧化剂能够帮助防止细胞破坏,从而防止癌症发生。”研究坐着Jingmei Li博士说。
8 豆类
According to a new report, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, upping your fiber intake may help lower your risk of breast cancer—and the more you eat, the more your risk decreases.
The researchers found that for every 10 grams of fiber a woman added to her daily diet, her risk of breast cancer decreased by 7 percent.