Mean Girls
[1] Mean Girls 贱女孩
Cady Heron (Lindsay Lohan), the 16-year-old homeschooled daughter of zoologist parents (Ana Gasteyer and Neil Flynn) living in Africa, is unprepared for her first day of public high school at North Shore High School inEvanston, Illinois. With the help of social outcasts Janis (Lizzy Caplan) and Damien (Daniel Franzese), Cady learns about the various cliques. She is warned to avoid the school's most exclusive clique, the Plastics, the reigning trio of girls led by the acid-tongued queen bee Regina George (Rachel McAdams).
Regina was once Janis's best friend, but they have grown to despise each other since in 8th grade when Regina started a rumor that Janis was a lesbian. However, the Plastics take a shine to Cady and invite her to sit with them at lunch and go shopping with them after school. Upon realizing that Cady has been accepted into the Plastics, Janis hatches a plan to get revenge on Regina for what she did to her, using Cady as a pawn in order to infiltrate the Plastics.
凯蒂(林赛·洛韩 饰)青春活泼,单纯可人。因为父母的工作关系,她从小在非洲长大,接受家庭式教育。同时,她在那个原始开阔的地方,凯蒂养成了隐忍坚强性格。15岁的这一年,凯蒂随父母搬到伊利诺斯州,开始了她人生第一次的校园生活。可令人不愉快的是,凯蒂的与新同学的相处根本不是她原本想象的样子。女孩儿们的世界,表面平静和睦,却波涛暗涌。
为了适应新的环境,凯蒂暗自学习“生存法则”并很快凭着可人的外表加入了学校很光鲜的一个小圈子。她温顺的性格,也似乎为她赢来了一群要好的朋友。然而,一切平静,都在她爱上男孩亚伦(乔纳森·本尼特 饰)的那一刻发生了变化。原来,亚伦是学校最惹眼的女孩Regina (瑞秋·麦克亚当斯 饰)的前任男友,虽然她们已经分手,可是霸道又自负的Regina根本不能容许凯蒂的介入。于是,一场女孩之间的战争悄然开始。关于友情,关于尊严,关于诚恳,关于信任。一切的一切,女孩儿们将如何学会,如何长大。
Sky High
[2] Sky High 超人高校
The story describes the beginning of the freshman year for Will Stronghold (Michael Angarano) at Sky High School, a school for young superheroes that floats in the sky. Will's parents pose as suburban real-estate agents Steve and Josie Stronghold, but they are really The Commander (Kurt Russell) and Jetstream (Kelly Preston), the two most famous and powerful superheroes. The Commander has superhuman strength, and Jetstream is able to fly. Will's best friend is Layla (Danielle Panabaker), a pretty supergirl who can manipulate plant life...
威尔的爸爸妈妈都是超人界定天皇巨星,理所当然,少年威尔(迈克尔·安格拉诺 Michael Angarano 饰)进入了超人的摇篮——超人高校学习。进校的第一天就要进行超能力测试,拥有超能力的优质学生将进入英雄组,其他人则会被分到吃力不讨好的助手组。很不幸,威尔进入了助手组。从此,威尔的日子相当不好过,他不仅被超人组队同学整蛊,就连啦啦队的美女们都取笑他,而且可怜的他还要尽力向超人父母隐瞒他在学校的悲惨遭遇。屋漏偏逢连夜雨,此时,一只罪恶的黑手伸向了超人学校……
推荐理由:如果你是天之骄子,如果你是平凡人中的精英分子,那么Sky High学校一定是你的首选,这个学校为社会培养了很多社会中的精英!
John Tucker Must Die
[3] John Tucker Must Die 恋爱刺客
The movie begins with Kate (Brittany Snow) talking about her mother Lori's (Jenny McCarthy) series of bad relationships which always causes the family to move to a new town, making Kate feel invisible. She and her mother move to a new town and Kate gets a job as a waitress. While at work, she sees popular local boy John Tucker (Jesse Metcalfe) on dates with three different girls: Carrie (Arielle Kebbel), a chronic overachiever; Heather (Ashanti), who is a sassy, aggressive head cheerleader; and Beth (Sophia Bush) a promiscuous veganactivist. Kate learns from a co-worker that he dates girls from different cliques at his school so that they never interact and convinces the girls who he dates to keep their relationships secret by telling them that his father does not allow him to date during basketball season...
约翰·塔克(杰西·麦特卡尔菲 饰)是学校里面的风头人物,深受女孩子的欢迎,他也乐在其中。不久,他的三位美丽的女友嘉丽、希瑟、贝丝发现了自己的男友都是约翰。感到晴天霹雳的三人决定一争到底,但最后都躲不过被约翰抛弃的命运。本是敌人的她们伤心过后决定联合起来一起对付约翰,惩罚他的花心之举。可是她们的计划在约翰身上并不奏效。这时善良单纯的凯特(布兰特妮·斯诺 饰)成为了她们报复约翰的工具,凯特虽然心里不太愿意,因为她需要诱惑约翰,之后再让他品尝失恋之苦。可是她也希望能走进三位校花的生活圈子中,便同意了。果然,约翰对打扮后美得不可方物的凯特动心不已,竟变了个人似的对凯特的感情专一认真。凯特本来想自己的任务即将完成,可是却发现自己真的爱上了约翰……
Nancy Drew
[4] Nancy Drew 神探南茜
Nancy Drew (Emma Roberts) and her widower father, Carson Drew (Tate Donovan), move from River Heights for a few months and rent a house in California, where Carson has a temporary job. Nancy chose their California house because it was the home of Dehlia Draycott, a murdered movie star based on Natalie Wood whose case has never been solved. Despite the mystery, Nancy's father has forbidden her from further sleuthing and encourages her to focus on high school and being normal. Nancy struggles to fit in at her new school, only befriending a younger boy, Corky (Josh Flitter). She realizes that the sleuthing world is the only place she fits in and decides to solve the Draycott mystery.
In the Draycott mansion, she discovers a letter that Draycott wrote to an unknown "Z," who was supposedly Draycott's love interest. From photographs of Draycott before her death, she figures out that just before her death, Draycott had a child and gave it up for adoption in privacy. She learns that the child, Jane Brighton (Rachael Leigh Cook), is the sole beneficiary of Draycott's will, which has disappeared. Nancy receives a threatening phone call telling her to get off the case, and contacts her father's business associate, Dashiel Biedermeyer (Barry Bostwick), the lawyer of the Draycott estate, to assist her with the case...
在本地小有盛名的少女侦探南茜·朱儿(艾玛·罗伯茨 饰),因为父亲的生意,离开了小镇,搬到洛杉矶生活。随着环境的改变,她也答应了爸爸,从此不再冒险破案,做一个普通的女孩儿。巧合的是,朱儿一家的新宅正是神秘死亡的好莱坞著名女影星德丽娅·德雷克特生前的居所。自从德丽娅死后,这所宅子经常发生一些古怪的事件。这个神秘的地方以及女星离奇的死因又激起了朱儿的好奇心,她决定瞒着父亲,“重操旧业”。在男友奈德·尼可森(马克斯·希尔洛特 饰)和新认识的小伙伴科奇(乔什·弗里特尔 饰)的帮助下,朱儿逐渐发现了一些线索,但与此同时她却收到了莫名的死亡威胁……
She s the Man
[5] She's the Man 足球尤物
Viola Hastings (Amanda Bynes) is a high school soccer player at Cornwall, which has just cut its girls' soccer team. After her request to join the boys' team is refused by the misogynistic coach, she finds a way to play for Cornwall's rival, Illyria. Viola's twin brother, Sebastian (James Kirk), is supposed to enter Illyria as a new student, and since he is instead going to a contest in London with his fledgling band, Sebastian asks Viola to cover for him by telling the school that he is sick and each of their parents (who are divorced) thinks that he is staying with the other...
维欧拉(阿曼达·贝尼斯 饰)甜美可人,笑容如同一片金色阳光。但她可不是个娇滴滴的小女生。疯狂喜爱足球的她,一直把踢球当作梦想。谁知,可恶的学校竟然取消了女子球队。维欧拉为了继续她的足球梦,乔装成她的双胞胎哥哥赛巴斯蒂去新学校报道,并作为新生加入足球队,准备在球场上战胜那些轻视女孩的男球员们。然而从小女生变成男生可不是一件容易的事,维欧拉故作野蛮的样子着实让人又佩服又好笑。
Van Wilder The Rise of Taj
[6] Van Wilder: The Rise of Taj 留级之王2
Taj Badalandabad (Kal Penn), the personal assistant to the legendary Van Wilder, has just graduated Coolidge College and is now on his way to England's Camford University. Taj plans to follow in the footsteps of his father- not only by obtaining a degree, but also to become a member of an exclusive campus Fraternal Guild, the Fox and Hounds, where Taj hopes he will become the next generation of Badalandabads to be deservedly nicknamed the "Sultan of Snatch."
However, when Taj arrives at Camford (Oxbridge), he is told by Pip Everett, the Earl of Grey (Daniel Percival), the stuffy head of the Fox and Hounds, that there had been a mistake and he's actually not been accepted into the Fraternal Guild...
Stomp the Yard
[7] Stomp the Yard 街舞少年
DJ Williams (Columbus Short) is a young man in inner-city Los Angeles. He and his younger brother Duron (Chris Brown) compete in local dance competitions as members of a crew known as the "Goon Squad". During the battle there are backs and forths, but in the end of the battle the Goon Squad win a cash-prize, and the losing home crew responds by ambushing DJ and his crewmates after the show. A fight breaks out, and the leader of the rival crew starts beating up DJ. Duron pushes him away and starts fighting him, leading the rival to pull out a gun and shoot Duron, killing him...
Sydney White
[8] Sydney White 大学新生
Sydney White (Amanda Bynes) is the daughter of a plumber, and has grown up among construction workers ever since her mother died when she was nine. Sydney earns a scholarship for college and hopes to follow the legacy of her mother and enter the Kappa Phi Nu sorority. Shortly after arriving at Southern Atlantic University, Sydney clashes with the sorority president Rachel Witchburn (Sara Paxton), after Rachel sees Sydney talking to her ex-boyfriend (although according to Rachel and those who speak on her behalf, he is her on-off boyfriend) Tyler Prince. Rachel tries to deny Sydney's bid for membership in the sorority, but cannot because Sydney's mother was a member. Despite Rachel's hazing, Sydney successfully meets all of the requirements during her time as a Kappa pledge...
雪梨(阿曼达·拜恩斯 Amanda Bynes 饰)的妈妈在她很小的时候就去世了,为了寻找妈妈曾经的足迹,今年她进入了妈妈当年的大学——南太平洋大学。新生雪梨刚一入学就申请加入本校的姐妹会,可惜不久她就发现姐妹会里全是些金发碧眼的富家女,一个叫雷切尔(萨拉·帕克斯顿 Sara Paxton 饰)的女生掌管着这里的大权。雷切尔的嫉妒心极强,当她得知自己的男友对这位清纯的新生心怀好感时,就坚决排斥她。无奈之下雪梨只好搬出了姐妹会的宿舍来到了普通宿舍。雪梨在这里遇到了7名同样遭到排斥的稀奇古怪的男生,他们很快就打成了一片。雪梨决定联合8人之力向雷切尔控制的专横的学生会挑战,她要竞选下一任学生会主席!这个出人意料的想法最后能否获得成功?
Scary Movie
[9] Scary Movie 惊声尖笑
An 18-year-old girl named Drew Decker (Carmen Electra) receives a threatening phone call while home alone one night. In an opening which closely mirrors Scream, Drew is chased outside by Ghostface, who then rips off her sweater and skirt, leaving her clothed in her white bra and thong. Drew runs through her garden sprinklers but she is then stabbed in the breast by Ghostface, removing one of her silicone breast implants, hit by a car driven by her father (who was getting oral sex by his wife so he didn't notice Drew), and then killed by Ghostface.
The next day, Cindy Campbell (Anna Faris), meets up with her boyfriend Bobby Prinze (Jon Abrahams) and her friends, Brenda Meeks (Regina Hall), Ray Wilkins (Shawn Wayans), Greg Phillipe (Lochlyn Munro), and Buffy Gilmore (Shannon Elizabeth). Various news teams - including hack reporter Gail Hailstorm (Cheri Oteri) - converge on the school in the wake of Drew's brutal death...
6个朋友:辛迪(安娜·法瑞丝 Anna·Faris 饰),鲍比(琼·阿伯拉罕Jon·Abrahams 饰),布佛(莎诺·伊丽莎白 Shannon Elizabeth 饰),格雷戈(拉科恩·玛诺 Lochlyn Munro 饰),雷(肖恩·韦恩斯 Shawn Wayans 饰) ,和布兰达(雷吉娜·赫尔 Regina Hall 饰)现在正深陷困境,被一位连环杀手跟踪。事情起源于他们在去年万圣节的晚上开车回家时发生了车祸,为了逃避责任,他们没有报警,而是选择逃离了现场。现今,一位自称知道他们的事的连环杀手,似乎已经从恐怖电影里走出来,进入了他们的生活。六位好友将不得不想方设法逃离这个杀手的魔掌和那些恼人的记者,如果他们想活下去的话……
Bring It On In It to Win It
[10] Bring It On: In It to Win It 美女拉拉队4:一鼓作气
The film has been seen to that of a retelling of "West Side Story" set to modern day. The West Coast Sharks Cheerleading Squad, led by Carson (Ashley Benson), are attending Camp Spirit-Thunder where they're confronted by their arch-rivals, the East Coast Jets Cheerleading Squad, led by Brooke (Cassie Scerbo). (The names of the squads are an allusion to the 1961 film West Side Story) Both squads are fierce rivals because each is the best on its respective coast; however, the Jets have beaten the Sharks at the annual Cheer Camp Championships for the previous three years in a row...
California 的West High Sharks高中的Carson决定使出浑身解数带领她团队里的姑娘们赢得全美拉拉队冠军,可是New Yorker 的brooke可不这么想,她比Carson还要坚定冠军属于她们,到底鹿死谁手我们拭目以待……
相关文章推荐:黑人元素是全剧的重点。很喜欢影片中一句台词:You know, rhythm has no color. You know, just shake and jive.(节奏不分肤色,跳起来吧。)