Identity 致命ID
Malcolm Rivers (Vince) is a psychotic killer awaiting execution for several vicious murders that took place at a motel. His psychiatrist, Doctor Mallick (Molina), has discovered a journal belonging to Rivers that may explain why he really committed the murders. With this late evidence brought forth, a new hearing takes place on a stormy night in which Mallick will try to persuade the Judge (Holmes Osborne) to spare Rivers.
Meanwhile, a group of ten strangers find themselves stranded in the middle of the storm in a remote motel in the Nevada desert, run by the manager Larry Washington (Hawkes). With the phone lines down due to the storm, the group prepare to spend the night, taking care of those that have been injured through their arrival. However, the group quickly finds that there is an unknown murderer present, killing off each of the guests and leaving behind one of the motel's room keys to be found, starting with Room 10's key and counting down...
一个典型而又引人入胜的悬疑故事:一个汽车旅馆里,住进了10个人,他们中间有司机、妓女、过气女星、夫妇、警探和他的犯人,还有神秘的旅馆经理。这天风雨大作,通讯中断,10人被困在了旅馆里,惊悚的故事开始了。他们一个接一个的死去,并且按照顺序留下牌号。10个人存活下来的渐渐变少,他们开始恐慌,互相猜忌,却无意间发现了彼此间的联系。但是,大家怀疑的嫌疑人却纷纷死去,谜团笼罩在旅馆狭小的空间 里,这样的凶杀案件却有着人们猜不到的真相……
推荐理由:从10开始9 8 7 6 5……一把钥匙一个数字一条人命。凶手是谁?
相关文章链接:【十大最值得欣赏的英式发音电影】 【因为名字烂而被错过的十部好电影】
Rain Man
Rain Man 雨人
Charlie Babbitt (Tom Cruise), a Los Angeles car dealer in his mid-twenties, is in the middle of importing four grey market Lamborghinis. The deal is being threatened by the EPA, and if Charlie cannot meet its requirements he will lose a significant amount of money. After some quick subterfuge with an employee, Charlie leaves for a weekend trip to Palm Springs with his girlfriend, Susanna (Valeria Golino).
Charlie's trip is cancelled by news that his estranged father (whom Charlie has not seen in over 20 years since he ran away from home at age 15), Sanford Babbitt, has died. Charlie travels to Cincinnati, Ohio, to settle the estate, where he learns an undisclosed trustee is inheriting $3 million on behalf of an unnamed beneficiary, while all he is to receive is a classic Buick Roadmaster convertible and several prize rose bushes. Eventually, Charlie learns the money is being directed to a mental institution, which is the home of his older brother with autism, Raymond (Dustin Hoffman), of whose existence Charlie was previously unaware. This leads Charlie to ask the question that permeates the movie: "Why didn't somebody tell me I had a brother?"
查理(汤姆•克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)父亲去世,留下了300万美元的遗产。然而令他意外的是,遗产全部给了一个他不认识的哥哥雷蒙(达斯汀•霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman 饰)。雷蒙的名字查理从没听过,这个事件让他气愤不已。他决定前去寻找哥哥。谁知雷蒙的住处就在一个精神病院里,原来他自幼患有自闭症,母亲去世后就被送到精神病院治疗。查理心中有了计算,他把雷蒙带出精神病院,企图骗他出让遗产。雷蒙的生活习惯奇异,活在自己的幻想世界里,有很多离奇古怪的行为。并且,查理在共处中发现了雷蒙惊人的记忆能力,他试着利用哥哥过目不忘的本领去赌场上试一下身手,赢得了一大笔奖金,使查理足以摆脱穷困生活。而令查理收获更大的是,他还获得了慢慢升温的亲情,这种手足情远远胜过了他原先图谋的300万的遗产。
Basic Instinct
Basic Instinct 本能
When rock star Johnny Boz (Bill Cable), is brutally stabbed to death with an ice pick during sex, homicide detective Nick Curran (Michael Douglas) is sent to investigate. The only suspect is Catherine Tramell (Sharon Stone), a crime novelist who was the last person to be seen with Boz on the night he died. Nick and his partner, Gus Moran (George Dzundza), visit her Pacific Heights mansion, but they find only Catherine's lesbian lover, Roxy (Leilani Sarelle), who sends them to Catherine's Stinson Beach house. When they ask Catherine about her relationship with Boz, she shows little emotion at hearing he is dead. Nick and Gus, along with their superiors, discover that Catherine has written a novel about a former rock star who was killed in the same way as Boz…
旧金山警察尼克(迈克尔•道格拉斯 Michael Douglas 饰)接到命令,调查一起离奇的冰锥杀人案。一位当红的摇滚歌星被绑在床上遭人用冰锥刺杀。尼克经过调查,发现这个歌星生活糜烂,遇害前与其女友凯瑟琳(莎 朗•斯通 Sharon Stone 饰)一起回家。凯瑟琳是一位精明能干的畅销书作家,美丽妖艳。尼克调查中发现,凯瑟琳为了逼真刻画小说中的各色人物而与各种各样男人上床,被害摇滚歌星亦是其中之一。尼克发现凯瑟琳的新书中发现了描写摇滚歌星被杀这一情节,尼克认定凯瑟琳就是凶手。尼克在追查过程中,渐渐迷上了美丽的凯瑟琳,尼克最终能否查出真相?
Blue Velvet
Blue Velvet 蓝丝绒
Jeffrey Beaumont (Kyle MacLachlan) returns to his logging home town of Lumberton from Oak Lake College after his father (Jack Harvey) suffers a near fatal stroke. While walking home from the hospital, he cuts through a vacant lot and discovers a severed ear. Jeffrey takes the ear to Police Detective John Williams (George Dickerson), through whom he meets the detective's daughter, Sandy (Laura Dern). She tells him details about the ear case and a suspicious woman, Dorothy Vallens (Isabella Rossellini) who may be connected to the case. Increasingly curious, Jeffrey enters Dorothy's apartment by posing as an exterminator, and while Dorothy is distracted by a man (Fred Pickler) dressed in a yellow suit at her door, steals her spare key. Jeffrey and Sandy attend Dorothy's nightclub act at the Slow Club and leave early so Jeffrey can sneak into her apartment to snoop. He hurriedly hides in a closet when she returns home…
大学生杰弗里(凯尔•麦克拉克伦 Kyle MacLachlan 饰)回到小镇照顾生病的父亲,这个表面平静安逸的小镇却让杰弗里在归家途中的草丛里就发现了一只被残忍割下的人耳,杰弗里当场呕吐。这只耳朵引来了警察威廉斯的调查,威廉斯有个纯情年少的女儿桑迪(劳拉•邓恩 Laura Dern 饰),她与杰弗里相爱了,为了讨爱人欢心她向他透露案情进展,杰弗里循着线索跟踪夜总会歌女桃乐丝(伊莎贝拉•罗西里尼 Isabella Rossellini 饰),发现她在自己家里被黑社会头目弗兰克绑手绑脚进行性虐待,并且在她口里塞上一片蓝丝绒。这一切让杰弗里惊呆,却也让他对桃乐丝引起了遐想,他克制不住自己一次次前往桃乐丝的房间偷窥,桑迪感觉到男友的心不在自己身上,想以身体进行挽救,但杰弗里早已被这小镇暗流下光怪陆离又变态的一切所控制……
The Silence of the Lambs
The Silence of the Lambs 沉默的羔羊
Clarice Starling is pulled from her training at the FBI Academy at Quantico, Virginia, by Jack Crawford (Glenn) of the Bureau's Behavioral Science Unit. He tasks her with interviewing Hannibal Lecter, a former psychiatrist and incarcerated cannibalistic serial killer, believing Lecter's insight might be useful in the pursuit of a serial killer nicknamed "Buffalo Bill" (Levine) who skins his female victims' corpses. Starling travels to the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, where she is led by Dr. Frederick Chilton to Lecter's solitary quarters. Although initially pleasant and courteous, Lecter grows impatient with Starling's attempts at "dissecting" him and rebuffs her. As she is leaving, one of the prisoners flicks semen at her. Lecter, who considers the discourtesy "unspeakably ugly", calls Starling back and tells her to seek out an old patient of his. This leads her to a storage shed where she discovers a man's severed head...
见习特工克拉丽斯(茱迪•福斯特 Jodie Foster 饰)所在的城市发生了一系列专剥女性皮的命案。克拉丽斯奉命前去访问被收监的精神有问题的精神病学家汉尼拔博士(安东尼•霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰),以获取罪犯犯罪心理资料。汉尼拔要求克拉丽斯说出个人经历供他分析以换取他的协助。克拉丽斯的思维完全不是博士的对手,临阵败走了。又一名女子被杀,一人被绑架。今次被绑架的是参议员的女儿,克拉丽斯只得再次找到汉尼拔,汉尼拔给了克拉丽斯一些提示,他们的提示被汉尼拔的医生听见,医生立功心切,对汉尼拔实行严刑逼供,但汉尼拔什么也没透露。克拉丽斯在汉尼拔的提示下,一步步向凶手逼近。
La pianiste
La pianiste 钢琴教师
Erika Kohut (Isabelle Huppert) is a piano professor at a Vienna music conservatory. Although already in her forties, she still lives in an apartment with her domineering mother (Annie Girardot); her father is a long-standing resident in a lunatic asylum.
The audience is gradually shown truths about Erika's private life. Behind her assured façade, she is a woman whose sexual repression verges into full-fledged desperation and is manifested in a long list of paraphilias, including (but by no means limited to) voyeurism and sadomasochistic fetishes such as sexual self-mutilation.
Upon meeting Walter Klemmer (Benoît Magimel), a charming 17-year-old engineering student from a bourgeois background, they begin to obsess each other. Even though she initially attempts to prevent consistent contact and even tries to undermine his application to the conservatory, he eventually becomes her pupil. Like her, he appreciates and is a gifted interpreter of Schumann and Schubert…
40岁的Erika Kohut(伊莎贝尔•于佩尔 Isabelle Huppert 饰)表面上是一个优雅的钢琴老师,外形独特、气质出众,但对学生却无比严厉。一切都是她面对自己的母亲无休止的折磨:专制又无理,令Erika的各种欲 望都无法发泄。Erika每每躲在厕所用剃刀伤害自己以求快感,嗅着内裤上的味道以发泄欲望,还去租看色情录像带。于是当18岁英俊冲动的 Walter(伯努瓦•马吉梅 Benoît Magimel饰)闯进她的生活时,一切都改变了。他们互相需索互相慰藉,Erika以为她终于找到了自己的幸福,然而年少的Walter有一日厌倦了这种关系……
Gothika 歌西卡
Psychiatrist Dr. Miranda Grey (Halle Berry) works at a mental hospital and has a car accident after trying to avoid a girl (Kathleen Mackey) on a road during a stormy night, while driving back home. She rushes to try to help the girl. The girl turns out to in fact be a ghost, and possesses Miranda's body by burning her after she extends her hand to the girl. Miranda loses consciousness. Miranda next wakes up in the very hospital she works for, but as a patient treated by her co-worker, Dr. Pete Graham (Robert Downey, Jr.). Drugged and confused, she remembers nothing of what happened after the car accident.
To her horror, she learns that her husband Douglas (Charles S. Dutton) was brutally murdered and that she is the primary suspect. While Miranda copes with her new life in the hospital, the ghost uses her body to carry out messages (most noticeably, she carves the words "not alone" into Miranda's arm) which leads her former colleagues to believe Miranda is suicidal and is inflicting the wounds on herself.
心理分析家兼精神科医生米兰达•格瑞(哈莉•贝瑞)一向致力于研究犯罪心理学方面的课题,聪明过人的米兰达从来都对自己的专业能力深信不疑。某天,来了一位叫克罗伊(佩内洛普•克鲁兹)的病人,开始米兰达并没有特别注意到她,只是按部就班地试图劝服克罗伊信任自己,对她敞开心 扉以便于治疗,但克罗伊却不像米兰达之前遇到的病人那样语言混乱和难以自圆其说,她的思维很有逻辑,看起来似乎并没有失去理智,米兰达暗自觉得蹊跷。
没过几天,米兰达就遇到了一件怪异的事情,她失去了知觉,而等她恢复神智时,发现自己已经变成了被囚禁的重犯病人,对她的指控是谋杀了自己的丈夫道格•格瑞(查尔斯•塔顿)!米兰达发现自己的处境和之前的克罗伊一模一样——面临绝境,需要外界援助,但所有人都当她是个疯子,没人相信她说的话,她越是声明自己无辜,就越被别人看成是发疯的表现。更恐怖的是,米兰达意识到,有一股神秘而强大的力量正在摆布着她,宛如暗夜中的幽灵一样,不知不觉中入侵了她 的意志、利用了她的身体,而她对这种力量却一无所知,米兰达逐渐陷入疯狂与崩溃的边缘……
American Psycho
American Psycho 美国精神病人
Set in Manhattan and beginning on April Fools' Day 1987 and ending in October 1989 (the April 27, 1987 U2 cover of Time Magazine and the October 1989 opening of The Threepenny Opera on Broadway are specifically referenced to bookend the book's action), American Psycho is the story of the daily life of wealthy young investment banker Patrick Bateman. Bateman, 26 years old when the story begins, narrates his everyday activities, from his working and recreational life among the Wall Street elite of New York to his forays into murder by nightfall.
Bateman comes from a privileged background, having graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy, Harvard (class of 1984), and then Harvard Business School (class of 1986). He works as a vice president at a Wall Street investment company and lives in an expensive Manhattan apartment on the Upper West Side, where he embodies the 1980s yuppie culture. Through present tense stream-of-consciousness narrative, he describes his conversations with colleagues in bars and cafes, his office, and nightclubs. The first third of the book contains no violence (except for subtle references apparent only in retrospect), and is simply an account of what seems to be a series of Friday nights, as Bateman documents travelling with his colleagues to a variety of nightclubs, where they snort cocaine, critique fellow club-goers' clothing, trade fashion advice, and question one another on proper etiquette.
Memento 记忆碎片
Memento is presented as two different sequences of scenes, a series in black-and-white that are shown chronologically, and a series of color sequences shown in reverse order. The two sequences "meet" at the end of the film, producing one common story. During the opening credits of the film, the only sequence to be played backwards is shown. It starts with the developed Polaroid photograph of a man shot in the head. As the sequence plays backwards we are shown the photo undeveloping, entering the camera, being taken, etc. As the credits end, we see the protagonist shoot a man in the head.
当记忆支离破碎后,你该怎样面对生活?本片的主人公就遭遇了这样的事情。莱纳•谢尔比(盖伊•皮尔斯 饰)在家遭到歹徒的袭击,妻子被残忍的奸杀,自己脑部也受到严重的伤害。醒来后,他发现自己患了罕见的“短期记忆丧失症”,他只能记住十几分钟前发生的事情,为了让生活继续下去,更为了替惨死的妻子报仇,他凭借纹身、纸条、宝丽来快照等零碎的小东西,保存记忆,收集线索,展开了艰难的调查。调查中,莱纳遇上粗俗的酒吧女招待娜塔莉娅(凯瑞•安妮•莫斯 饰),她似乎知道一些莱昂纳多感兴趣的事;还有泰迪(乔•潘托利亚诺 饰),自称是他以前好朋友,但看上去鬼鬼祟祟的,不怀好意。到底谁能相信?娜塔莉娅?泰迪?还是他自己?抽丝剥茧之后,真相呼之欲出,简单之至却又残酷无比,而莱纳是否有面对这一切的勇气?
推荐理由:一部电影就像一块蛋糕,怎么拼都是一个整体。 一层层的回忆,一层层的发展,一起寻找真相吧。
A Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind 美丽心灵
In 1947, John Nash (Russell Crowe) arrives at Princeton University as a new graduate student. He is a recipient of the prestigious Carnegie Prize for mathematics; although he was promised a single room, his roommate Charles Herman (Paul Bettany), a literature student, greets him as he moves in and soon becomes his best friend. Nash also meets a group of other promising math and science graduate students, Martin Hansen (Josh Lucas), Richard Sol (Adam Goldberg), Ainsley (Jason Gray-Stanford), and Bender (Anthony Rapp), with whom he strikes up an awkward friendship. Nash admits to Charles that he is better with numbers than he is with people.
In 1953, while teaching a class on calculus at MIT, he places a particularly interesting problem on the chalkboard that he dares his students to solve. He is not particularly interested in teaching and his delusions even cause him to miss the class. When a student, Alicia Larde (Jennifer Connelly), comes to his office to discuss why he did not show up, she also asks him to dinner and the two fall in love and eventually marry.
本片是关于20世纪伟大数学家小约翰•福布斯-纳什的人物传记片。小约翰•福布 斯纳什(拉塞尔•克劳)在念研究生时,便发表了著名的博弈理论,该理论虽只有短短26页,却在经济、军事等领域产生了深远的影响。但就在小约翰•福布斯-纳什蜚声国际时,他的出众直觉因为精神分裂症受到困扰,然而这并没阻止他向学术上的最高层进军的步伐,在深爱他的妻子艾丽西亚(珍妮弗•康纳利)的鼓励和帮助下,他走得虽然艰缓,却始终没有停步,而最终,凭借十几年的不懈努力和顽强意志,他如愿以偿。