神探夏洛克化身科学怪人 贫民富翁执导舞台剧
2010-11-06 10:25
Oscar-winning director Danny Boyle has come up with a radical vision for his stage version of Frankenstein by casting two stars - Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller - to play the much misunderstood creature.
曾经凭借《贫民富翁》一片登上奥斯卡宝座的英国导演丹尼·博伊尔即将带来一部现代版的舞台剧《科学怪人福兰肯斯坦》,领衔的将有两位实力派男主角,包括因主演BBC迷你剧版《神探夏洛克》而走红的Benedict Cumberbatch以及安吉丽娜茱莉前夫约翰尼·李·米勒。
The actors will play Mary Shelley’s literary creations - the monster and his creator Dr Frankenstein - on alternate nights at the National Theatre when performances begin in early February on the building’s Olivier stage.
《科学怪人福兰肯斯坦》由Mary Shelley原著,而两位男主角将轮换扮演剧中怪物和弗兰肯斯坦博士两角,舞台剧将于明年2月在国家剧院上演。
‘They’ll share it,’ Boyle told me exclusively. ‘One night one will be Frankenstein, while the other will play his creator Victor,’ he said, adding that sharing the role will keep the production fresh.
Also, the show - a major coup for the National and artistic chief Nicholas Hytner - will be told from the monster’s point of view.