2010-09-29 10:17
Gloria Stuart, the American actress who captured the heart of America with her portrayal as Rose Calvert in the Titanic film has passed away last September 26 as confirmed by her family. She died at at the age of 100.
因成功刻画了《泰坦尼克号》中女主角Rose老年形象而深深打动美国和全世界观众的女演员Gloria Stuart于9月26日过世,享年100岁。
She has graced both film and television in a span of 70 years. The blond actress is also known for her role as Claude Rains’ lover in The Invisible Man and two Shirley Temple films; that was before retiring in 1946 and then resuming her acting career when she was 87 years old as the 101 year old protagonist who survived and narrated the story behind the ship that sank in the night of April 14, 1912 at the Atlantic Ocean.
她的影视作品横跨70年,曾经出演《隐形人》中Claude Rain的恋人,并参演了两部秀兰·邓波尔的电影。1946年她宣布退役,又在87岁时华丽复出,在这部根据1912年4月14日大西洋冰海沉船而改编的爱情巨制中,扮演了101岁高龄的老人。
Stuart, earlier was diagnosed with breast cancer but has endured and survived the disease.