一年一度的“上海金山蟠桃节”8月3日开幕,被昵称为“世博桃”的金山皇母蟠桃是世博会特供水果——你知道“蟠桃”用英语是怎么说的么?其实英文名直译回来,是“扁桃”,也就是flat peach

Flat peaches are also known as “saucer” or “doughnut-type” peaches because of their round, oblate to squat appearance.

明明是延年益寿的仙桃啊,为什么看着flat peach这个名字就提不起神呢……也许在外国人眼里,桃子不过是一种水果,但在中国传统中,桃子还有更进一步的象征意义:

In China, the peach was said to be consumed by the immortals due to its mystic virtue of conferring longevity on all who ate them. 

The immortals residing in the palace of Xi Wangmu were said to celebrate an extravagant banquet called the Pantao Hui or "The Feast of Peaches".

The immortals waited six thousand years before gathering for this magnificent feast; the peach tree put forth leaves once every thousand years and it required another three thousand years for the fruit to ripen.
