
Just because it's summer, that doesn't mean you can't get new episodes of "The Vampire Diaries." But instead of watching Elena, Damon, Stefan and the rest of the Mystic Falls crew on your TV, you can read about them in the latest issue of DC Comics "The Vampire Diaries" comic.
虽然现在是夏天,但这不意味着就没有《吸血鬼日记》新集可以看。你除了可以在电视上看到Elena、Damon Stefan和其他神秘瀑布镇的小伙伴们的故事以外,你还能再DC漫画最新的《吸血鬼日记》漫画版中看到他们。

On Thursday (June 5), "The Vampire Diaries" Chapter 28 -- written by one of the show's writers, Beau DeMayo, with artwork by Beni Lobel and cover by Lawrence Reynolds.
周四,《吸血鬼日记》发布了漫画版第28章——这一章的剧情是电视剧编剧Beau DeMayo亲自写的,而执笔则是由漫画家Beni Lobel来创作,封面是Lawrence Reynolds的作品。

In "New In Town," Matt's trying to live a normal life ... you know, one without fanged or furry villains, so he's dating new co-worker Jessica.


