2014-06-10 11:00
"Game of Thrones" showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have made no secret of the fact that their goal for the HBO series is to have it done in seven seasons. But author George R.R. Martin hopes that is an aspiration they don't stick to.
《权力的游戏》两位制片人David Benioff和D.B. Weiss坦言,他们希望HBO的这部美剧《权力的游戏》能在第七季的时候结局。不过原著作者George R.R. Martin表示,他觉得应该不止七季。
During an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Martin says he thinks the series will need more than seven seasons -- which also will give him some extra time to finish the "A Song of Ice and Fire" book series. "I don't think it will be enough to tell the story we're telling in the books," Martin says.
But adding extra seasons to the show isn't the only solution Martin sees to this problem. He has heard a pitch to make "Game of Thrones" movies.
"Ever since I heard that idea I've been both excited by it -- I think it would be great -- and I've been skeptical about it because I've heard of a number of other shows that were [supposedly going to have movies] like 'Deadwood,' 'Rome' and even 'The Sopranos,' and the only one I've actually seen is 'Sex and the City,'" Martin says.
“每次我听到别人提起这种想法,我就很兴奋——我觉得这是个不错的主意——我也不知道这是不是真的,因为之前我也听说过很多电视最终想以电影结束的例子,比如《Deadwood》《Rome》甚至《The Sopranos》,不过最终我看到真正出了电影的只有《欲望都市》,”Martin说。